Wednesday 28 June 2017

History of Resveratrol

Grapes seem to have been originated in the Mediterranean regions of southern Europe and the Middle East, thriving in the dark, moist, humus-rich, neutral-to-alkaline soil in the sun and warm climates; and the grape’s hardiness varies according to the cultivar.

Going back many centuries, the Grapevine was wild. When unattended, it grows kind of like a tree, the way it wraps around anything in its way, just like ivy on walls, and different sub-species were created through natural selection, resulting in mutations of the vine.

Cultivation of the Grape occurred in early historic times in southwest Asia or southern Transcaucasia, Armenia and Georgia, and cultivation of the domesticated grape spread to other parts of the Old World over the years. Wine is fermented juices of Grapes and has been used in many different cultures for at least 4,500 years, originating most likely in the Middle East. Egyptians, dating from 2500 B.C. have referred to wines, and there are frequent references to wine in the Old Testament. The wine was also used by early Minoan, Greek and Etruscan civilizations, and the Roman army can be thanked for introducing winemaking throughout Europe as they created an expanding Roman Empire. Years later, the role of wine for religious use in Christian churches helped to maintain the industry after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Present day science has now established the health benefits included in the juice, skin, and seeds of the Red Grape. Grape Skin and Red Wine Extracts possess high concentrates of proanthocyanidins that confer a strong antioxidant and free radical benefits, like]

Phenolic and polyphenolic compounds, including catechin, and quercetin, that fight against clotting in the blood. Something interesting to remember is the “French Paradox.” The French diets include more than thirty percent more fat than the diets of Americans, but the French suffer forty percent fewer heart attacks, and this is due to their consumption of Red Wine. Scientists in France have compiled a guide through a textbook, that outlines the various treatments derived from Grape Seeds, Grape Skins, Red Wine and their respective benefits. This has now been named “Vinotherapy,” and people throughout the world are beginning to explore the benefits of Red Wine Grapes as detoxifiers, high antioxidants, and cell regenerators. Grape Skin provides a convenient way to enjoy this simple fruit’s many health benefits.

Brought into the light as a result of a multitude of studies investigating the phytochemical properties of plant materials, Resveratrol more than lives up to its reputation. This unique antioxidant has been called a fountain of youth for its effectiveness against a variety of age-related diseases.   Let’s explore seven facts about Resveratrol including what it is and why you should get it regularly from your diet.

1. What Is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a phenolic compound, created by plants to aid in injury, infection, and fungal attack. There is two ways this can happen, the trans- and cis- molecule form, with trans-resveratrol being the highly-absorbable form. The compound has potent antioxidant effects, thereby supporting health at the cellular level.

2. Unique Antioxidant

Unlike many different antioxidants, resveratrol will cross the blood-brain barrier, offering support for the brain and nervous system. This allows for active, direct support for neural health. A recent study of 23 older adults observed significant improvements in memory among participants taking resveratrol, with the additional benefit of improved glucose metabolism.

3. Mimics Caloric Restriction

It can reduce calories by 30%, and support health and longevity by creating low-level biological stressors. Resveratrol will stimulate the creation of adiponectin; this is the same hormone observed to increase in individuals practicing caloric restriction. This hormone will promote metabolic and cardiovascular health through weight loss, lipid metabolism, and the regulation of blood sugar levels. Even though the long-term effects of caloric restriction in humans continue to be evaluated, it has shown to advance longevity by around 40% or more in some species.

4. Mitigates Oxidative Stress

Many studies have researched resveratrol’s ability to reduce oxidative stress from free radical damage. In 2011 a study evaluated the response of 20 human volunteers, with 10 in each group, half would get resveratrol and half would get placebo over six weeks of treatment. Those in the test group enjoyed reduced oxidative stress and lower levels of swelling and redness commonly associated with numerous age-related diseases.

5. May Promote Healthy Testosterone Levels In Men

Research shows resveratrol positively affects fertility and reproductive function in men. A study using animal models reported to have increased blood testosterone levels in supplemented groups. While this is good news for men of childbearing age, older people could benefit as well. Testosterone strengthens bones, increases muscle mass, and encourages a positive outlook in people.

6. Positive Effects on Estrogen Levels

Women who consume resveratrol seem to enjoy their benefits. A study of 34 postmenopausal women taking resveratrol daily for 12 weeks reported many improvements in estrogen metabolism and an increase of SHBG, steroid hormone binding globulin. SHBG helps enable the body to make better use of the availability of the sex hormones already present. In essence, this study suggests resveratrol may support hormone balance.

7. Sources of Resveratrol

Primary dietary sources include red wine, chocolate, grapes, and peanuts. Unfortunately, only 25% of resveratrol from dietary sources is bioavailable due to its quick metabolizing rate. Supplements may offer more real values, making a greater amount of this anti-aging antioxidant available to cells. For this reason and its amazing benefits and potent antioxidant properties, I added resveratrol in Cell Fuzion™, my unique formula for cell and DNA support and protection.

While present in other plants, such as eucalyptus, spruce, and Lily, and in other foods such as mulberries and peanuts, resveratrol’s most abundant natural sources are Vitis vinifera, labrum, and muscadine grapes, Polygonum cuspidate.  See our top ten Resveratrol supplements reviewed here


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