Saturday 15 July 2017

Best Weight of Kettlebells for a Beginner

Excellent Kettlebell Weight Exercises for Beginners

Are you ready to get started with some kettlebell training, but you aren’t entirely sure where to even begin? That’s no problem. This article here will provide you with all the information that you need to pick the correct kettlebell weight and perform exercises with the proper form.

The Problem with Choosing a Starting Kettlebell Weight

Onnit Kettlebells
Kettlebell training is usually combined with high-intensity interval sets. Doing short stretches of hard work with little breaks in between. To maintain precise form, you need a weight that is in relationship to your skill level (which will be very low initially).

There could be a few of problems with picking a kettlebell weight all depending on how much training experience you have. If you haven’t ever trained with weights before, you may think the beginner weights I suggest are too heavy.

Conversely, if you have been weight lifting for years, you may think the weights I suggest are a little too light. I need you to throw away your current judgment of weight lifting and look at the kettlebell as something new and different. For that reason, you cannot have an opinion of the weight you think you need. Period.

You must do what every trainer in the world hopes you will do: be open, listen, and learn. While you may not think you need to, having at least one session with a trained kettlebell professional will make an enormous difference in your results.

Kettlebell training can be very different from just standard isolation type of training. You will be using multiple muscle groups at the same time through ballistic, full-body movements. You most likely have never trained like this before.

A kettlebell professional can show you the fundamentals; like the Clean, Swing, Goblet Squat, Windmill, and Turkish Get Up. There are kettlebell videos that you can watch to ensure you have the proper form, but a trainer will be able to accurately show you what you can improve upon as well as how to avoid injury.

First, always seek the instruction of a teacher, then use videos as a reference later.

When performed correctly, kettlebell movements will improve your body control, shorten your workout time, and give you useful results and physique. This will be unlike anything you’ve achieved in the past. Even better, you’ll never get bored!

The core movements that in kettlebell training have exploded into hundreds of new exercises and techniques. Once you get going, you won’t ever have to stop. Assuming you’ve been to at least one session with a kettlebell professional and are ready to get started, here is what I recommend based on gender.

The Correct Starting Kettlebell Weight for Women

How a Women should Choose a kettlebell weight
With a tiny exception, I always recommend that women start with an 18-pound kettlebell. The key with this weight is that it isn’t too heavy and not too light while exercising. A new female trainee working with kettlebells might pick up the weight, and automatically try to perform a 1-arm upright row (without one thought of lifting technique, mind you), and immediately exclaim, “I can’t lift that!”

Again, the difference with kettlebell training is the way you’ll be lifting the weight. Unlike isolation lifts–the dumbbell curl is the best example of an isolation lift–kettlebell training uses multiple muscle groups at once.

When this is done properly, the kettlebell movements will overall improve your body control, shorten your workout time, and give you useful results and physique, unlike anything you’ve been able to achieve in the past.

You won’t just be lifting with just one of your arms or just one leg; you’ll be using your entire upper body, or lower body, and especially your core for the majority of the lifts. For that reason, an 8-kg kettlebell is not that heavy.

A big mistake is selecting a weight that is too light. Again this could be just assuming that you have trained with a kettlebell professional. When you are lifting too light with ballistic movements, you can just muscle through a lift rather than using the proper form.

You’ll be throwing around a 9-pound kettlebell like nothing. If you do this, you will never perfect your form, and will never progress to heavier weights, and you will not achieve the real benefits that kettlebells have to offer. So try not to go too light!

The Correct Starting Kettlebell Weight for Men

How to Lose Your Body Fat Fast with These 5 Tips
Again, with a little exception, it is always recommended a 35lb kettlebell for most men. Unlike women, most men will look at the 16-kg kettlebell starting weight and say, “That’s way too light for me! I can bench about ‘X’ weight all day long!” The problem is not that you can’t “lift” more weight, the problem is that if you can’t lift more kettlebell weight.

No, 35 pounds might not be too excessive for your barbell curl, squat, or deadlift, but we’re not doing those lifts, are we? But even if we do, they are usually going to be done in a much different manner than you’re used to.

Most likely when you are using a kettlebell, you will be hitting some muscles that you’ve never even felt before. Some areas of your core like your back, abdominals, and upper legs will be on fire during your first session with kettlebells. Kettlebell training is usually combined with high-intensity interval sets – short stretches of intense work with little rest in between.

To maintain proper form, you will need a weight that is in proportion to your skill level, which may be small to start.

If you think that a 16-kg kettlebell is too light for you, well think again. Men who have never used a kettlebell were especially sensitive to muscling through a movement, rather than performing it with proper form.

The 16-kg kettlebell weight is just enough to force you to use proper technique. Assuming you have been taught proper technique by a professional, this will come hand in hand.

What Is a Pood?

What type of pood is your kettlebell? Most people usually seem a bit lost and think of something much worse when they hear this term. When this phrase is associated with kettlebells, there’s even more confusion.

But, a pood is simply the Russian measurement of weight, and in Russia, kettlebells are measured in poods. A pood is equal to roughly 16 kilograms or 36 pounds.

You will hear this term used more and more in Crossfit boxes and usually by most traditional kettlebell instructor.


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