Wednesday 28 June 2017

Garcinia Cambogia Facts

Garcinia cambogia is also known as the Malabar Tamarind which is considered a small, sweet tropical tree fruit shaped almost like a pumpkin. In the late 1960s, some scientists discovered that an acid in the fruit is somewhat similar to the citric acid that is found in fruits like oranges and lemons.

That acid found in GC is called hydroxycitric acid, or HCA. It has been a roller coaster ride of popularity over the last 20 years or so. It is alternately shown to be a miracle weight loss supplement.

Since about late 2012, HCA has taken a steady ascent, and people around the world chat about “Garcinia” like that’s the name of their new personal trainer. (For the record, Garcinia Cambogia, hydroxycitic acid, and HCA all refer to the same thing.) It can feel like anyone with even a passing interest in supplements has gotten asked by a small army of friends, loved ones, and cab drivers: “Is garcinia actually legit?”

HCA isn’t a miracle; it’s more of a tool. Anyone who has ever suffered the indignity of smashing their finger with a hammer can attest that tools only work when you know what to do with them and then follow through on that knowledge.

Luckily, in recent years we have learned a lot about not only what HCA supplements will do in the body, but also how you can make the most of them. Here’s what you need to know about this fat-loss supplement.

HCA’s Early Promise

HCA got its first taste of widespread popularity back in the ’90s after some studies concluded that it caused weight loss in animals. One thing we know is that HCA blocks a portion of an enzyme called citrate lyase, which helps turn sugars and starches into fat.

Block that enzyme, and carbohydrates get diverted into energy production rather than accumulating as body fat. Then, when you start to burn fat through adequate training, there is less to replace it, and your overall fat level will go down.

HCA seems to have an ability that helps suppress your appetite, but not in the same way as a stimulant-based diet pill. Rather, it increases the level of satiety. The satisfaction you will receive from food will make it much easier to eat less. The mechanism by which it achieves this isn’t entirely clear yet. A nutritionist by the name of Shari Lieberman suggested that a metabolic change brought on by HCA can send an appetite-suppressing signal to your brain through the amino acid 5-hydroxytryptophan, which is a direct precursor to the so-called “happy hormone,” also known as serotonin. Given that the subsequent studies have also shown elevated serotonin levels in subjects who took HCA supplements, she was likely on to something.

With these two vital bullet points in its favor, HCA seemed on the verge of the big time, but the buzz quickly faded after an extensive study that was published in 1998 in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that it had “no effect” on human subjects.

End of the line, right? Not quite. Subsequent research has produced some several conclusions and helped convince us among many other previously skeptical people, that HCA has real potential as a weight-loss supplement.

It’s All About How You Take It

Some vitamin studies are commonly done by people who use the wrong dosage amount or the wrong form of the supplement and then seem almost gleeful when they’re able to proclaim that the supplements “don’t work.” Prejudice confirmed; case closed.

Dr. Preuss went on to lead the most promising human studies into HCA, points out that there are at least three different forms of hydroxycitrates: those who are mixed with calcium, potassium, or magnesium salts. The reason to add these types of salts is to decrease the degradation of free HCA into HCA lactone, an inactive form of this compound. These salts, which are combined at a 1-to-1 or higher ratio in most commercial HCA supplements, also help your body more quickly absorb the hydroxycitrate.

“If you have almost a pure calcium hydroxycitrate, it’s just not going to work.” He said he prefers hydroxycitrate that is bound to both calcium and potassium. He also says that the bond dramatically increases the absorption and effectiveness of HCA.

Dr. Preuss and his co-workers put this idea to the test in a study where they followed 30 healthy but overweight people whose ages were between 21-50 over an 8-week period. All of the subjects consumed a diet of 2,000 calories per day and walked for more than half an hour for at least five days per week. One group was also given Super CitriMax, a patented form of HCA bound with both calcium and potassium. The other group was given a placebo. At the end of the study, the placebo group had lost an average of only three pounds, but the HCA group had lost an average of a 12 pound. This makes it a whopping 400 percent more weight. Their average BMI nearly fell by 6.3 percent compared to the placebo group, it fell only 1.7 percent.

On top of this all, the HCA group has experienced an almost double boost in the serotonin levels compared to the placebo group. Higher serotonin levels are commonly associated with fewer cravings, as well as a greater sense of calmness. In a second study that is very similar, Preuss and his colleagues tested 60 people, and this time, the HCA group lost an average of 10.5 pounds compared to the placebo group, which lost an average of 3.5 pounds.

“Perhaps the most remarkable result was in appetite control,” Preuss says of the second study. “The placebo group had no change, but the HCA group had a 16 percent reduction of food they ate per meal!”

The Right Way To Supplement With HCA

It is straightforward to view supplements purely from the perspective of either “I take it” or “I don’t take it.” But with some of the supplements, that is precise enough to see an effect. But this lesson here is how you take HCA matters. As such, Preuss has taken to the new wave of HCA popularity as an opportunity to remind us all about how to get the most out of this supplement.


-Be sure to take an adequate dose. For a Ca,/K preparation used successfully and reported in a peer-reviewed publication, the dose of the extract was near 1.5 g, three times per day before meals. In this 60 percent HCA preparation, that approximates 0.9 g of HCA before each meal.

-Take the preparation on an empty stomach about 30-60 minutes before each meal.

-Remember, “If you don’t comply, don’t complain.”
Take the right dose at the right time.

Remember that he says “near” 1.5 g three times daily. Why not exactly 1.5? Given that HCA supplements can come in a range of different potencies and mixtures, it can be hard to be exact. Aim for the 1.5 g benchmark, but don’t be obsessive about it.


Garcinia…. Weight Loss Supplement

Garcinia cambogia (GC) is a smaller pumpkin-shaped fruit that grows in Southeast Asia and India. The main active ingredient found in Garcinia Cambogia is Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), which some research suggests that it can help certain people lose weight.

Currently, there are about 14 separate HCA–containing products sold over-the-counter to consumers labeled as “Garcinia Cambogia.” Most people are frequently drawn to the idea of using GC because of the possible benefits that it can provide near-effortless, quick weight loss without the need to change someone’s overall diet or lifestyle very much.

GC itself is not a relatively new product; in fact, it’s been consumed in parts of Asia for many years, although not for the purpose of losing weight. Since GC (traditionally also known as the Malabar tamarind) began to gain popularity in the U.S. several years ago — after frequently appearing in the media and on popular health-related TV shows — sales have gone up dramatically. More and more people are purchasing this so-called “weight loss miracle drug” in hopes of losing stubborn body fat they’ve been struggling with for years.

But just like most other weight-loss supplements, pills and products, studies regarding GC’s effects and safety have been mixed. While there’s some evidence that HCA might be able to aid in weight loss even when someone does not often exercise or tweak their diet a lot, there is also some concerns regarding the side effects that can occur including liver damage or failure, anxiety, fatigue, dizziness and digestive problems. Although these side effects are sporadic, they can happen just like any other type of medication on the market.

Remember that just because GC is derived from a natural fruit doesn’t mean it’s always completely safe. So is Garcinia Cambogia ultimately worth trying? Let’s take a look at how HCA works, in what situations GC might be helpful, and what adverse reactions are possible when using any weight loss drug.

Finally, time and time again we see various products and diets being publicized to help boost weight loss.

Does Garcinia Cambogia Work?  What Some of The Studies Tell Us

Garcinia cambogia reviews show some research results and weight loss testimonials have been mixed, to say the least. By far the most well-publicized benefit of using Garcinia Cambogia is its ability to increase weight loss. Other claims that are commonly made about Garcinia Cambogia’s effects include:

  • slight loss of your appetite, or less of a desire for you to eat than usual
  • slightly reduced cravings for unhealthy foods, such as sugar addiction
  • a more positive mood this including feeling happier, more energetic and less tired
  • increase your energy and your concentration
  • stabilized your blood sugar levels
  • improved your bowel movements
  • reduced your joint pains
  • improved your cholesterol levels
  • a stronger desire for you to be physically active


Below are several benefits of Garcinia Cambogia that have some merit:

1. Weight Loss

Some studies have found that Garcinia Cambogia might, in fact, help you be able to help your with moderate amounts of fat loss, plus some of the other health concerns mentioned above, although its effects are rarely reliable or consistent. For example, research suggests that HCA works by blocking a particular enzyme called adenosine triphosphatase-citrate-lyase, which contributes to the formation of your fat cells. However, the evidence also found that some studies have shown digestive side effects like “gastrointestinal adverse events” were twice as common in HCA groups compared with a placebo effect! Results from various weight loss studies involving GC have been very mixed. The conclusion of the meta-analysis regarding Garcinia Cambogia? Researchers summed up their findings by saying that “the magnitude of the effects are small, and the clinical relevance is uncertain. Future research trials should be more rigorous and better reported.” The bottom line is that if you’re struggling to lose weight, GC most likely will be the answer.

2. Lowering Your Appetite

Studies have also shown that it is possible that HCA could be found in Garcinia Cambogia and can help reduce someone’s appetite by increasing the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is associated with calm, happy feelings and. Therefore, sometimes appetite suppression, fewer cravings and possibly reduce the desire for comfort foods. Keep in mind, however, that this isn’t the case with all people, and that there are other, potentially less-risky ways to manage your appetite better and boost your serotonin production. This, such as beating a balanced meal with protein foods and healthy carbs at regular times throughout the day.

3. Lower Your Cholesterol Intake

There is a considerable amount of support for Garcinia Cambogia being able to improve cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides. It might also be able to help raise HDL which is considered your good cholesterol. It’s not safe for anyone already taking medications that affect cholesterol, however, and its effects don’t seem to be very reliable or stable. Keep in mind that there are plenty of other natural ways to improve your cholesterol levels, by including exercising and eating more dietary fiber from high-fiber foods like veggies, nuts, seeds, and beans.

4. Stabilize Your Blood Sugar

Finally, what about CG’s effects on blood sugar levels? Some evidence exists showing that Garcinia Cambogia can help control your blood sugar levels by improving how cells take up glucose or sugar that is to be used for energy. One way in which it might improve weight loss is through inhibition of pancreatic alpha-amylase enzymes, changes in intestinal alpha-glucosidase and alterations in fatty acid synthesis. This might be able to change how carbohydrates are metabolized. GC might help your body respond to insulin better, although it could raise the possible risk for having some low blood sugar levels in people. If you have a previous history of blood sugar problems, you’re pre-diabetic, diabetic or taking medications that alter insulin’s effects, then GC might make your blood sugar drop dangerously low. While this doesn’t appear to happen in everyone who takes GC, it is something to consider.


26 Facts About Garcinia Cambogia

Some foods and some supplements might make shedding those annoying extra pounds a bit easier. For example, Garcinia cambogia is a fruit and a supplement that can help block some of your body fat production and help you reach your target weight goals. More human studies are needed to confirm its efficacy and safety. A different type of the plant, Garcinia Mangostana, has been looked at recently studied for its possible anti-cancer benefits. You should consult with your doctor prior using Garcinia supplements for weight loss or try to treat a medical condition.  See our top ten Garcinia supplements

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia is a small, sour tropical fruit used traditionally as a condiment and to prevent formation and increase the release of intestinal gas. The dried fruit rind called Malabar tamarind has been used traditionally to treat rheumatism and gastrointestinal complaints. The fruit skin extract is richly filled with a compound called hydroxycitric acid. This compound might inhibit fat production, especially fat produced from excess dietary calories as carbohydrates. Garcinia cambogia might also it could help you curb your appetite.

Human Weight-Loss Studies

Human clinical studies that are looking towards the effectiveness of Garcinia cambogia supplements for weight loss are inconclusive. An early study published that was released on Nov. 11, 1998, issue of the “Journal of the American Medical Association” measured the effects of a Garcinia cambogia supplement in some overweight women and men.

Garcinia Mangostana

Garcinia mangostana, or mangosteen, is about a tangerine-sized, purple tropical fruit. Mangosteens can be eaten fresh as a dessert, and the more acid fruits can be used to make preserves. They are a dried fruit rind that has been used traditionally used to treat dysentery, and it may also be made into an ointment and can be applied topically for many skin disorders. The fruit is rich in a type of phytochemical called xanthones, which can have some antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Mangosteen xanthones can inhibit the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells, according to a review published in the June 26, 2013, issue of “Frontiers in Pharmacology.”

Garcinia Cambogia Safety Considerations

Combined with a very healthy lifestyle and a very healthy diet, Garcinia Cambogia can help decrease the amount of new fat that your body makes, especially the fat that is produced from simple sugars such as sucrose and fructose. Long-term use should be under constant medical supervision. Garcinia cambogia extract isn’t usually recommended for people who have diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease or some other types of dementia, and pregnant and lactating women, according to a National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences report. Garcinia Cambogia can also adversely interact with some of the prescription medications. In people with cancer, mangosteen may lower the effectiveness of chemotherapy. It may also inhibit the normal metabolism of some prescription drugs.

Here’s a look at some more facts about Garcinia Cambogia.

1. Garcinia cambogia is grown in Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and parts of Africa.

2. It is not technically called Garcinia Cambogia anymore. The tree has a new proper name: Garcinia gummi-gutta.

3. Some other names for this supplement are red mango, Malabar tamarind, pot tamarind, brindle berry, gambooge, and kokum butter oil tree.

4. The fruit of the Garcinia Cambogia looks like a multi-lobed pumpkin and is usually green, yellow, or red.

5. It’s usually the size of a large tomato but can grow to grapefruit size.

6. The sour green flesh of the Garcinia cambogia will make your like pucker. It’s often pickled and used as a condiment.

7. After it’s sun-dried and smoked, the blackened fruit, called Kodama Poli, gives a tart, smoky flavor to curries. It’s most common in fish curry.

8. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the seeds have about 30 percent of fat content. The seeds can sometimes be used as a substitute for ghee, which is clarified butter that’s a common ingredient in Indian food.

9. Some health claims are usually made of Garcinia Cambogia extract. Among the conditions people use it for are: diabetes, cancer, ulcers, diarrhea, and constipation.

10. It is the biggest claim to fame is that extract supplements can usually help speed up your weight loss, reduce appetite, and boost exercise endurance.

11. Garcinia Cambogia does contain a compound that is called hydroxycitric acid also known as HCA. HCA may inhibit an enzyme that can help your body store fat. Theoretically, the fat would instead be burned as calories.

12. Allegedly, Garcinia Cambogia may increase the levels of the neurotransmitter, serotonin — a feel-good messenger that is in your body. This also may enhance your mood and reduce stress-related eating.

13. The first rigorous research on the effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia appeared in 1998. This study concluded that it doesn’t perform any better than a placebo when it comes to helping you lose weight.

14. A 2011 research review showed that it could cause short-term weight loss, but the effect was small, and the studies were flawed.

Weight Loss

15. Garcinia cambogia can be found in Hydroxycut. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a consumer warning in 2009 cautioning consumers to immediately stop using Hydroxycut products after reports of jaundice and extreme liver damage in people who used Hydroxycut surfaced.

16. Some other health problems that are commonly associated with Hydroxycut included seizures, cardiovascular disorders, and rhabdomyolysis. However, because Hydroxycut contains many ingredients, it’s difficult to pinpoint the primary cause.

17. In 2012, pop television doc, Mehmet Oz, announced to his audience that Garcinia Cambogia is a revolutionary fat buster. The show’s graphics read: “No Exercise. No Diet. No Effort.”

18. In June 2014, Dr. Oz was chided for making unwarranted claims about Garcinia Cambogia and other products in an appearance before the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security.

19. Garcinia cambogia is available in capsules, tablets, powders, and liquids. Tablets should be taken on an empty stomach, 30 minutes to an hour before a meal.

20. Most Garcinia Cambogia supplements also contain other ingredients, some of which might not be listed.

21. When it comes to a recommended dose, most sources provide the recommended dose of HCA rather than Garcinia Cambogia itself. According to, the recommended dose of Garcinia Cambogia is 900 mg to 1,500 mg of HCA a day.

22. Some side effects of Garcinia Cambogia may include a headache, nausea, dizziness, and dry mouth.

23. It isn’t known if Garcinia Cambogia is safe to use during pregnancy or while you’re breastfeeding, so it’s best just to discontinue the utilization of the supplement during these times.

24. Garcinia Cambogia can also cause a decrease in your blood sugar levels. People who have diabetes should discuss the usage of these supplement with their doctor before choosing to take the supplement.

25. People with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia should avoid Garcinia Cambogia because it may increase acetylcholine levels in your brain. Many people with such conditions are given medications to lower acetylcholine levels.

26. Garcinia cambogia could possibly interfere with the following medications and supplements: iron, potassium, calcium, antidepressants, statins, montelukast like Singulair, and warfarin-like Coumadin.


Roots of Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia is considered the current day trend that has its roots in India, Southeast Asia, Central and West Africa, and Indonesia. It’s mainly found in the coastal regions or the areas having some rain forests. This fruit is also known as Malabar Tamarind, brindle berry, and Kudam Puli found its place in many culinary delights. It was first used as a natural souring agent due to its tangy taste. Other than culinary uses, the extract was also commonly used for keeping the pests away. It was in 1960 when the scientists discovered its anti-obesity properties and carried out detailed research on the fruit to use it in anti-obesity drugs and supplements.  See our top 10 Garcinia supplements

More about GC’s appearance

This fruit which is sized anywhere between the scale size of a lemon to grapefruit and has distinctive vertical lobes on it. The pumpkin shaped fruit is available in yellowish green and reddish pumpkin color. The rind or skin of the fruit is relatively thin, and researchers have found the rind of Garcinia Cambogia as one of the most useful parts of the fruit for medicinal use.

Uses of Garcinia Cambogia

Once, the scientists recognized this as the therapeutic value of this fruit, the uses of this fruit have dramatically increased. Before that, it was used mainly just for cooking. Let us have a brief look at the key uses of Garcinia Cambogia to have a better understanding of its effects and side-effects on the human body.
Culinary Uses – Culinary uses of Garcinia Cambogia started more than a century back, and it was mainly used in curries. Cuisines from India, Burma, Thailand, and Malaysia are amongst the first cuisines having Garcinia Cambogia in its primary ingredient list. The tangy taste of this fruit is till this date replacement for tamarind and lemon in many authentic Southeast Asian and Indian curries. The sourness of this fruit was also considered to be good for your digestion, and hence it found a place in many Ayurvedic medicines as well.

Weight Loss Supplementation

The present day use of Garcinia Cambogia has suddenly shifted results from cooking to weight loss. The extensive study and useful results achieved over the years and had finally grabbed the attention of weight loss experts towards this little sour fruit, and hence it has been found in many weight loss drugs.
Journey from being kitchen condiment to critical content in many weight loss drugs
Garcinia Cambogia has traveled a long path from being the simple kitchen spice to becoming the key content of many weight loss drugs. Though the experts found anti-obesity properties in this fruit in the year 1960, the intensive research found was started only in 1998. The experts carried out a randomized study on about 135 subjects in 1998 to further confirm the effect of Hydroxycitric Acid on obesity. Hydroxycitric Acid, often referred as HCA is known to be having a visible effect on your abdominal fat and this was further confirmed by individual studies. Some of the studies have carried out on Garcinia Cambogia also went against its weight loss properties, but the general outcome of this stated that it has better fat burning properties which can be used in many types of anti-obesity drugs.

Some other benefits of taking Garcinia Cambogia

  • Other than weight loss and culinary applications, Garcinia Cambogia also offers health benefits as listed here;
  • Fights against any depression.
  • Checks your cholesterol levels to get you a healthy heart.
  • Boosts your energy levels and will help you combat the weakness caused due to weight loss.
  • Suppresses constant hunger pains and checks the unnecessary binging on food.
  • Increases your body’s metabolism to get lesser fat deposition despite having more calorie intake.
  • Works as anti-depressant and stress buster that could further help you achieve your goal faster.
  • It increases your health quotient as a whole by regulating your blood sugar, your cholesterol, and your fat.


How to get pure Garcinia Cambogia?

Now when it is evident from the above information given shows that Garcinia Cambogia has many health benefits, the very next question that will come to your mind is where to find a pure form of Garcinia Cambogia? You will locate the fruit in its natural form in some areas but consuming the whole fruit won’t address your problem thoroughly. The whole fruit contains fibers and other elements which may or may not be required by your body in excess. Again HCA is usually present in the rind of this fruit and to get the sufficient amount of HCA; you will end up consuming more of other substances too. So, if you want to have the right benefits of Garcinia Cambogia, then you will have to opt for the rind extract.

The Garcinia Cambogia extract is available in the market as an extract of the fruit rind as it contains the maximum amount of Hydroxycitric Acid. This extract is available in the powder form, or you would also find the pills by some companies like ours. These supplements have the right amount of HCA required by your body to get the maximum benefits of this wonder fruit.

Points to note while taking Garcinia Cambogia extract

This is a natural supplement and would usually not cause any harmful side-effects, but it is recommended to take note of following points while taking this fruit extract;

  • Have plenty of water to remove the toxins.
  • Follow a high fiber and nutrient rich diet to keep yourself energetic while losing weight.
  • Don’t skip any meals to keep your metabolism up during the day.
  • Follow the dosage instructions correctly as adequate dosage would only bring desired results. An overdose of the same could also cause some side-effects.
  • Deciding the right dosage
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract offered by the companies always have a standard dosage instruction that may be followed, but this dosage may keep changing based on your gender, your weight, your age, and your lifestyle of the person who is consuming it. If you are consuming Garcinia Cambogia fruit as a whole then you would not require any type dosage instruction as whatever amount you consume, it will be lesser than what needed for adequate weight loss!


If you are not entirely sure about your body requirements or you have some confusions about the dosage and dosage amounts, then you better check with your medical practitioner as he or she would be the right person to guide you into a healthy lifestyle. The typical dosage of Garcinia Cambogia suggested by the experts range from 300 mg to 500 mg per day, but it would keep on changing according to individuals conditions.

Starting a health packed routine each day.  So, the time has come to go healthier by including Garcinia Cambogia extract in your daily routine and if you don’t know where to find it then go online as there are plenty of choices available from various renowned brands. Go for the purest extract form or pills and see how the world changes for you.

One thing which is very important to note is that don’t compromise on the quality of the product while searching for cheaper options as the results are offered only by one pure extract, and some of the more affordable options may have other impurities too.


About Garcinia Cambogia

How It Works

The active ingredient in the fruit’s rind, hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, has boosted fat-burning and cut back appetite in studies. It appears to block an enzyme called citrate lyase, which your body uses to make fat. It can also raise levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which may guide you to feel less hungry.

Garcinia Cambogia, a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind, is a popular weight-loss supplement. People say it blocks your body’s ability to make fat and it puts the brakes on your appetite. It could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check, too. You’ll find it in bottles on the shelf at the store as well as mixed with other ingredients in diet products.

Type 2 Diabetes and High Cholesterol

Garcinia Cambogia might make it easier for your body to use the glucose, the sugar that is stored your cells need for energy. Another reason, besides the weight loss, is that people with diabetes are very interested in GC. However, if you’re taking Garcinia Cambogia along with a medication to control your blood sugar, your glucose could drop extremely low.

Some research has found that Garcinia Cambogia could help improve your cholesterol levels by lowering the triglycerides and the LDL which is considered to be the “bad” cholesterol and raising HDL which is considered to be the “good” cholesterol. But you shouldn’t use it if you’re already on a prescription for your cholesterol.

Garcinia Cambogia

This particular type of plant has almost 300 different species within it, but Garcinia Cambogia is the one that receives the most attention for its many health benefits. Garcinia cambogia was formerly the scientific name, but it has since been changed to Garcinia gummi-gutta, but it also has some other common names, such as Malabar tamarind and brindle berry. The fruit of this tree is typically shaped like a small pumpkin seed and is usually light green or yellowish in color. Thriving in many tropical settings, this tree is primarily grown in Southeast Asia, India, and central Africa, and it is mainly used in traditional recipes, as well as curries in some Asian countries. Various parts of the fruit and some of its extracts can be utilized for different flavorings, and it is also known as a traditional remedy for a broad range of afflictions. Before its exposure to the western world, Garcinia cambogia was largely unknown, but it has seemed to explode onto the international scene following some claims of its miraculous effects on weight loss.

Since then, it has become available just about all over the world, and while its proposed effects on weight loss are still heavily debated in many fitness and health circles. The extract of Garcinia Cambogia does appear to have some other health effects it has on the body is that they are beneficial in a numerous way. The active ingredients in this herbal extract, combined with some other nutrients and organic compounds found in the extract, do have the potential for powerful effects on the body. However, with excessive consumption of the extract has also been linked to liver toxicity, so moderation is key. Now, let’s take a closer look at some of the impressive health benefits of Garcinia cambogia.

Health Benefits Of Garcinia Cambogia

Reduce Stress:

The active ingredient in Garcinia cambogia, which makes it so appealing for weight loss and to many health enthusiasts is called hydroxycitric acid (HCA). This compound has also been linked to regulating cortisol levels in the blood, which is found to be one of the most common stress hormones. By reducing the level of stress hormones and controlling anxiety, this herbal supplement will help you improve your health and your functioning of all your organ systems, and cut down on oxidative stress throughout the rest of your body.

Weight Loss:

Weight Loss is where Garcinia Cambogia received all of its international acclaim. For example, its ability to promote weight loss. Often was considered a miracle cure for obesity, this extract affects weight loss in some ways. Firstly, the HCA that is found in Garcinia cambogia might help prevent calories from being stored as fat on your body. Certain enzymes might slow down the metabolism, which is when the body starts to “gets lazy” and starts storing calories as far. However, HCA blocks the production of these enzymes, so instead of fat, those calories are converted into glycogen, which is necessary for building muscles. GC could help improve your stamina and eliminate any fatigue, while it could also motivate you to lead a healthier lifestyle as your physical appearance starts to change.

Eliminate Depression:

The organic compounds that are found in Garcinia cambogia could act as anti-depressants, mainly found to be releasing serotonin into the body, which is the “satisfaction” or “pleasure” hormone. This could work as a self-fulfilling cycle because using this herbal extract, losing weight, feeling uplifted and encouraged, and then determine to continue and achieve the goal. This ability to stabilize your mood is only based on the effect of HCA on your neurotransmitters, and the lowered levels of stress can often contribute in treating long-term depression.

Lower Cholesterol:

This is the second major way that Garcinia Cambogia can help those who use GC to lose weight is by optimizing your cholesterol balance in your body. It might not be super common knowledge, but there are such things as good and bad fats. HCA and other compounds in this herb can lower LDL cholesterol levels, considered the bad and increase HDL levels considered to be the good. This will help reduce your likelihood of atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke, while also lowering blood pressure and giving you more energy to take on your daily tasks.

Regulate Blood Sugar:

One of the side effects of regulating the metabolism is also controlling the blood sugar levels in the body. For people suffering from diabetes, turning to Garcinia cambogia is an excellent choice as a complementary treatment, as it can ensure that there are no unexpected drops or spikes in blood sugar, which can have terrible consequences.

Boost the Metabolism:

On the whole, anything that can speed up calorie-burning and lower cholesterol is going to have an incredible impact on the speed at which the body runs. If you want to boost your metabolism, which means even faster results in the weight-loss realm, adding Garcinia cambogia to your daily routine is a wise choice. An increased metabolism means more immediate energy and less packaging of calories into adipose fat.

Increase Energy:

When you begin to lose weight, it is a significant change for the body, and many people experience fatigue and muscle weakness after they begin to shed those extra pounds. Garcinia cambogia extract can help to combat this, however, by giving an energetic burst that can overcome those weight-loss moments of exhaustion. If you feel like you haven’t been the life of the party for years, perhaps it’s time to try a new route for the new you!

Suppress Appetite:

This is the third and final way that Garcinia cambogia can help people lose weight, which is why it is now included in plenty of different weight loss supplements and products. By suppressing your appetite, it will train the body to eat only at certain times, and only in particular amounts. If you are trying to lose some weight, those in-between snacks might be the hardest things to avoid, so keeping your appetite in check with this extract is very smart.

Words of Caution: While it could be very tempting to overtake or do things that we know are good for us, there is still quite a bit we don’t know about Garcinia cambogia. What is clear about this is that excessive consumption of this plant could cause liver toxicity, so even after adding it to your health regimen, it should only be taken in moderation.


History of Resveratrol

Grapes seem to have been originated in the Mediterranean regions of southern Europe and the Middle East, thriving in the dark, moist, humus-rich, neutral-to-alkaline soil in the sun and warm climates; and the grape’s hardiness varies according to the cultivar.

Going back many centuries, the Grapevine was wild. When unattended, it grows kind of like a tree, the way it wraps around anything in its way, just like ivy on walls, and different sub-species were created through natural selection, resulting in mutations of the vine.

Cultivation of the Grape occurred in early historic times in southwest Asia or southern Transcaucasia, Armenia and Georgia, and cultivation of the domesticated grape spread to other parts of the Old World over the years. Wine is fermented juices of Grapes and has been used in many different cultures for at least 4,500 years, originating most likely in the Middle East. Egyptians, dating from 2500 B.C. have referred to wines, and there are frequent references to wine in the Old Testament. The wine was also used by early Minoan, Greek and Etruscan civilizations, and the Roman army can be thanked for introducing winemaking throughout Europe as they created an expanding Roman Empire. Years later, the role of wine for religious use in Christian churches helped to maintain the industry after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Present day science has now established the health benefits included in the juice, skin, and seeds of the Red Grape. Grape Skin and Red Wine Extracts possess high concentrates of proanthocyanidins that confer a strong antioxidant and free radical benefits, like]

Phenolic and polyphenolic compounds, including catechin, and quercetin, that fight against clotting in the blood. Something interesting to remember is the “French Paradox.” The French diets include more than thirty percent more fat than the diets of Americans, but the French suffer forty percent fewer heart attacks, and this is due to their consumption of Red Wine. Scientists in France have compiled a guide through a textbook, that outlines the various treatments derived from Grape Seeds, Grape Skins, Red Wine and their respective benefits. This has now been named “Vinotherapy,” and people throughout the world are beginning to explore the benefits of Red Wine Grapes as detoxifiers, high antioxidants, and cell regenerators. Grape Skin provides a convenient way to enjoy this simple fruit’s many health benefits.

Brought into the light as a result of a multitude of studies investigating the phytochemical properties of plant materials, Resveratrol more than lives up to its reputation. This unique antioxidant has been called a fountain of youth for its effectiveness against a variety of age-related diseases.   Let’s explore seven facts about Resveratrol including what it is and why you should get it regularly from your diet.

1. What Is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a phenolic compound, created by plants to aid in injury, infection, and fungal attack. There is two ways this can happen, the trans- and cis- molecule form, with trans-resveratrol being the highly-absorbable form. The compound has potent antioxidant effects, thereby supporting health at the cellular level.

2. Unique Antioxidant

Unlike many different antioxidants, resveratrol will cross the blood-brain barrier, offering support for the brain and nervous system. This allows for active, direct support for neural health. A recent study of 23 older adults observed significant improvements in memory among participants taking resveratrol, with the additional benefit of improved glucose metabolism.

3. Mimics Caloric Restriction

It can reduce calories by 30%, and support health and longevity by creating low-level biological stressors. Resveratrol will stimulate the creation of adiponectin; this is the same hormone observed to increase in individuals practicing caloric restriction. This hormone will promote metabolic and cardiovascular health through weight loss, lipid metabolism, and the regulation of blood sugar levels. Even though the long-term effects of caloric restriction in humans continue to be evaluated, it has shown to advance longevity by around 40% or more in some species.

4. Mitigates Oxidative Stress

Many studies have researched resveratrol’s ability to reduce oxidative stress from free radical damage. In 2011 a study evaluated the response of 20 human volunteers, with 10 in each group, half would get resveratrol and half would get placebo over six weeks of treatment. Those in the test group enjoyed reduced oxidative stress and lower levels of swelling and redness commonly associated with numerous age-related diseases.

5. May Promote Healthy Testosterone Levels In Men

Research shows resveratrol positively affects fertility and reproductive function in men. A study using animal models reported to have increased blood testosterone levels in supplemented groups. While this is good news for men of childbearing age, older people could benefit as well. Testosterone strengthens bones, increases muscle mass, and encourages a positive outlook in people.

6. Positive Effects on Estrogen Levels

Women who consume resveratrol seem to enjoy their benefits. A study of 34 postmenopausal women taking resveratrol daily for 12 weeks reported many improvements in estrogen metabolism and an increase of SHBG, steroid hormone binding globulin. SHBG helps enable the body to make better use of the availability of the sex hormones already present. In essence, this study suggests resveratrol may support hormone balance.

7. Sources of Resveratrol

Primary dietary sources include red wine, chocolate, grapes, and peanuts. Unfortunately, only 25% of resveratrol from dietary sources is bioavailable due to its quick metabolizing rate. Supplements may offer more real values, making a greater amount of this anti-aging antioxidant available to cells. For this reason and its amazing benefits and potent antioxidant properties, I added resveratrol in Cell Fuzion™, my unique formula for cell and DNA support and protection.

While present in other plants, such as eucalyptus, spruce, and Lily, and in other foods such as mulberries and peanuts, resveratrol’s most abundant natural sources are Vitis vinifera, labrum, and muscadine grapes, Polygonum cuspidate.  See our top ten Resveratrol supplements reviewed here


Sunday 25 June 2017

While Using a Stick Hand Roller

You see them everywhere, Stick Hand Rollers, in your local gym, in your physical therapist’s office, or even in your friend’s apartment. If you’re a runner or athlete, you most likely have a variety of them in your home as well. Massage sticks, foam rollers, lacrosse balls and other self-massage tools are commonly found.
Many of us use these tools religiously to roll our muscles and achy body parts and lament that it “hurts so good.”

What is all the Fuss about Self-Massage?
This practice of self-massage is called self-myofascial release. Myofascial is the connective tissue network that runs through your body. It wraps around your internal organs and muscles and holds it all in place. When this system is healthy, it distributes strain evenly so that you don’t end up excessively loading one part of the body and causing injury.

If you think of myofascial like a spider web, it all comes together. If one part of the web is broken or damaged, the web doesn’t fall. Instead, strain and tension have to be distributed across the strands of the web differently to account for the weakened section. In other words, other parts of the web pick up the slack of the reduced section.
The same thing happens in your body. When there is trauma or injury to an area, it can lead to weakness or adhesions in your myofascial. This may limit your range of motion and can even compress your muscles and nerves, leading to less hydration and blood flow to those areas. This can lead to pain and injury and can impact your performance.

How it these work:

You should press the stick firmly against a body part, like the thigh, and add pressure. You then run the stick along the selected muscle. The stick roller is usually comprised of a bar with rollers that are about 1 inch thick attached. This design allows it to glide smoothly across your body while conforming to shape slightly. It stretches the muscles and ligaments. You can use it on any relaxed muscle.

Benefits of using a Massage Body Stick Roller:

1. Flexibility – The stick rolls out and stretches your muscle fibers, your tendons, and even ligaments. If you stretch the muscles while they are still warm after a workout, they are less likely to get tight, stiffen or shorten.
2. Circulation – As you apply pressure and roll the stick forward, it will create a suction in your veins. Which will help draw in more blood that is fresh and full of oxygen and nutrients.
3. Pain Reduction – You can almost pinpoint knots and sore muscles with the stick. By rolling out these sore areas your pain is relieved.
4. Sleep Improvement – Massage has been known to improve the quality and quantity of sleep a person can achieve. Relaxation is crucial for REM sleep.
5. Energy Conservation – Most stretching to warm up the muscles is done by light exercise. This means that you have to use valuable energy stores before the race. If you use a body stick to warm up your muscles, then you will have more glucose readily available in the blood. That means you will be less likely to break down your muscles to provide energy.

6. Fewer Injuries – Using a Roller Stick before exercising will allow the muscles to get warmed up and prevent any damage to your body. Think about your muscles as if they were a rubber band. Leave the band in your warm car, and it will stretch and bend very easily. Then go out on a cold morning and try yanking on it and it is most likely going to be too tight and possibly snap.

7. Muscle Growth and Repair – Greater circulation provides more nutrients to the muscles. For muscles to grow or improve they need glycogen. Blood flow can be restricted post-exercise due to trigger points and tight muscles. Fresh blood provides necessary glycogen to the muscles. You could always try taking a nutrient-dense drink 20-30 minutes before massaging to provide the most amount of nutrients possible to your muscles.

8. Lactic Acid Removal – Using a Stick Roller to roll out your muscles after exercise encourages lactic acid removal. Choosing to roll-out post workout is highly recommended. The lactic acid in your body is then sent to your liver and turned into glucose.

9. Breaks Down Soft Tissue Adhesion – When you train a lot, compete or do intense sessions sometimes it leads to the development of adhesions. This is sometimes where muscle, fascia, and other tissues stick together. Massaging and rolling out these areas can help your body correct this issue.

10. Better Mood – Let’s face it, when your body feels good you feel even better. By relieving the stress, aches, and pains, and adding in better sleep and more oxygen means you will most likely experience a much better mood, which is better for you and everyone else.

There is a great number of benefits from using a Massage Body Stick Roller.
It’s ideal for most athletes, those with desk jobs, and people with muscular injuries.
The stick roller is great because it is small, light, and portable. You can throw it in your car, gym bag, carry-on, or even keep it at your desk.
And you can use it practically anywhere. The Stick Rollers usual size is only 19 inches long and 2 inches thick.
You can roll yourself out or have someone do it for you, unlike the foam rollers.
You can use the Stick Roller while you’re standing, crouching, kneeling, sitting, or laying down.
It is small enough to do all of your body parts without it being awkward.
When you’re not using the Stick Roller, it is not a huge eyesore and doesn’t take up space.
The Stick Roller will last forever unlike Foam Rollers that tend to compress and break down after awhile. And they can start to collect dirt and sweat. You can easily wash off your stick roller if necessary.

If you want to check out the one that most commonly used, then you can find it on Amazon with our direct links.

If you want to increase your overall strength, your speed, and your endurance as an athlete, then I would highly suggest investing in a Massage Body Stick Roller for yourself. Or as a gift for anyone you know who might need it.


Using Resistance Bands

When it comes to strength training, many of us usually will stick to the standard free weights and machines or, you’re feeling a little frisky, we might try to venture over towards the cable or free motion machines while we’re at the gym. What you don’t see at the gym is work with resistance bands incorporated into exercising. Resistance bands have plenty of benefits for you and your body.

Some people often get confused about what a resistance band actually does and how to use one, but they’re an excellent way to workout while you travel or add variety to your usual routine.

Resistance Bands
The resistance from these bands feels so different when compared to other types of equipment in the gym. When you use the free weights, gravity will decide where the pressure will come from, when doing this you will get a lot more resistance during some parts of the movements. For example, the upswing of a biceps curl than the downswing. With bands, the tension is constant, which makes it feel harder. Bands work much like a cable machine, allowing you to keep constant tension on the muscle. You’ll also incorporate more stabilizer muscles to keep the band in alignment throughout each exercise, adding a different dynamic to the same old moves.
Resistance bands are not as challenging as the machines or dumbbells. With weights, you will know exactly how much you’re lifting. But with bands, you can only go by how it feels and the tension on the band. That doesn’t mean you’re not getting a good workout, though. If you use good form and the right level of tension, your muscle fibers won’t know the difference between weights or bands. Plus, these bands can offer more of a variety because you can create the resistance from all directions–the side, overhead, below, etc.
If you don’t know how to use the bands, it can be very confusing trying to figure them out. You also want to keep in mind that you can perform the same exercises as you do with free weights with the bands the difference lies in positioning the band. For example, you could stand on the band and grip the handles for bicep curls or overhead presses. You can also attach it to a door and do triceps pushdowns. You can wrap the band around a pole or chair for some chest exercises or even shoulder rotations. You can even try to do some exercises on the floor like the seated biceps curls. The possibilities you will find with these bands are basically endless, and you’ll find there are some exercises and workouts available to you.

Why Should You Try Resistance Bands?
The resistance bands travel well. For example, you can easily pack them in your suitcase for travel and do exercises in the car or your hotel room. They are super light and easily compacted to barely anything, meaning there is plenty of room in your luggage for other items.

Resistance bands can and have been known to increase your coordination. Because of the tension throughout the exercises, you have to stabilize your body. This exercise will help you with coordination, balance and it also helps you involve more muscle groups.
Resistance bands help you add variety to your workouts. With weights, you can often be limited to how many exercises you can do. But, the resistance band will allow you to change your positioning in multiple ways. Doing this changes how your body works and how an exercise feels.

They’re ideal for all fitness levels. Depending on how you use them, bands can be perfect for beginners as well as more advanced exercisers. You can use them for basic moves or add intensity to traditional moves.You can sometimes find the workout movies that show you how or what to do with your resistance band. These films are beneficial for beginners or less advanced.

Some Resistance Band Exercises
If you’re ready to try your resistance bands, below is a list of basic moves to get you started.

Chest Press – For this exercise, you want to wrap the band and a chair behind you. You could also wrap it around a pole, rail or use the door attachment to secure the band to the door. The resistance band should be right at about your chest level, and you should step far enough away from the door that you get constant tension on the band. If you’re in a chair, you might need to wrap the bands around your hands several times for more tension. Keep your elbows in a ‘goal-post’ position, meaning, parallel to the floor throughout the movement. And push out and back for about 16 reps.

Rotating Chest Press – You wrap the band around a sturdy object and then loop one handle through the other, securing it tightly. Then step away from the anchor until you have a good amount of tension on the band and begin with the right side towards the anchor, leave your arm straight. Rotate the body, pivoting on the feet, and bring the right around all the way across and touch the left fingers. Repeat this for at least 16 reps on each side.

Seated High Row – For this move, you can keep the band where it is, unhook the handles and turn around so that you’re facing the band. This exercise targets the upper back, so make sure you squeeze the back without arching or pulling the elbows too far back.

Bicep Curls- For the bicep curl, you should stand on the band with both feet (harder) or with one foot (easier). To make the tension harder stand on the band with both feet or to make the pressure easier stand on the band with just one foot. Then hold the handles in each hand and curl up in a bicep curl, just as you would with dumbbells. You can make this exercise harder by stepping with your feet wide or by using a heavier band.

Squats with an Overhead Press – You will want to use a light band for this exercise. If you do not have a light band and only have a heavy band, you can simply do this exercise with one arm at a time. You want to start this exercise by standing on the band and hold the handles up towards the shoulders and remember to keep your elbows bent to create more tension. Squat and then, as you stand up, press the weights overhead.


Trigger Points In Your Body That Require Stick Rollers

Here are some things to look for when trying to discover tissue that requires attention:

Pain – That goes as defined as an unpleasant sensation accompanied by the tendency to withdraw and a reactive regional tension. Tensions can sometimes express themselves as trigger points in your body. Trigger points are defined as an area of dysfunction refers sensation to another area of the body. This often happens in predictable patterns, but not always. Two doctors studied this Drs. Janet Travell and David Simons were the first to map these patterns with accuracy in their now familiar manual Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction. Many trigger point therapies will try to shut down these signals with sustained pressure to the target areas, which can offer a fast relief from the pain. This practice can be valuable but is by no means the complete picture. It’s almost like cutting the wire to the faulty check engine light. The annoying sound you hear while driving is just about gone, but the engine problem is still happening.

The inability of skin called the epidermis slides over to the subcutaneous tissues. Not only can this cause a disruption of long-term processing of chemicals in the area, but restriction like this could contribute significantly to inefficient gross movement patterns and cause joints to move off of the axis and contractile tissues to work much harder to attain the ranges of motion crucial to sports. Many times this could lead to inflammatory responses in tissues that are over stressed, and if they are left unchecked they can result in excessive calcium and fat deposits.

Dense areas of tissue – These may prevent full expression of a range of motion and keep nearby tissues from sliding past one another. When dysfunctional these areas are often gristly, hard, and do not normally move well. But just because a zone has dense tissue does not mean it’s dysfunctional. Squat often? Guess what? Your IT bands will be thick and stiff from transmitting force from your hips into the ground. Are you an athlete who has bigger hips living next to your spine? Yeah, that’s normally from doing work, and it doesn’t mean you’re messed up.

Where You should Start
Body builders and everyday lifters lay down some serious scar tissue. This fact makes implementing advanced manual self-soft tissue techniques a crucial aspect of our performance and recovery pyramid. The most favorite techniques that are taught are to maintain and enhance long-term shoulder health and function are focused on the small tendons and muscles attached to the shoulder blade. With only using your hands and the ability to optimally positioning your body for force and leverage, your shoulders can be bullet-proofed by tacking on as little as five minutes to the end of your training

Beyond Treating Trigger Points
Tissues not only need direct trigger point work, but they also need to be released from one another. This version can create a more authentic movement type of pattern that is uninhibited by compensation. Each contractile tissue in the body has a primary action of movement, while many play a role in assisting other muscles with secondary actions.

If your muscle’s primary and secondary actions aren’t being actively trained but are still pulled into the motion being executed, inefficiency and lack of performance in these movements are the least of your problems. A messy pattern that we have all tried to retrain with our clients is the deep squat. When the lateral chain of the lower body is tight and bound to the surrounding tissues, hefty compensations occur, such as knees caving in. These “sticky” muscles cause you to sometimes work against yourself and create some dysfunctions, which can lead to a host of issues in the short and long term.

Learning to identify specific musculature, while also differentiating overlying and underlying structures takes time and practice. These might be skills that can’t be developed overnight. You need continuous training to be as efficient as possible. With the necessity of a high frequency of treatment, your skills will become enhanced every single day, and in many cases, it’ll ultimately be better than going to a practitioner.

No matter how good the practitioner, or how magical they will tell you their hands are, they can’t feel what you feel. Your sensory experience is priceless in getting the most out of your soft tissue treatments, and more specificity means more streamlined gains. You think your foam roller is capable of that? Try a Stick Roller instead. They are commonly used as a trigger point therapy.

Take Back Your Tissues
Exploration of your tissues is the primary goal of having a successful self-soft tissue treatment. Knowing your body, and knowing details about your particular anatomy and the tissue structure may enhance your efforts to improve your soft tissue health. Concentrate on your efforts in finding tissues that feel somewhat leathery, along with undoubtedly achy tissues in need of some intense attention. Due to the self-limiting nature of soft tissue work, the more, the better! Save your time and increase your return on investment with manual self-treatments. No excuses. Get after it.

Lucky for us as self-sufficient athletes, we don’t have to broaden our soft tissue skill set to meet the ever-growing demand of various clients. We have our bodies to take care of, and that alone will take time and effort to explore fully. Find some of the little modifications to these foundational concepts that enhance your treatments. This is merely a starting point for you to navigate your way through the shoulder and beyond. Start with these keys to standard self-soft tissue treatments:

Spend some time and palpate your tissues to differentiate structures from one another. It won’t hurt to break out some anatomy literature and study where you want to focus your attention.

Your goal is to generate a “hurts good” feeling in the tissues being treated. If you’ve ever been treated by a professional, you’ll recognize the real sense. Everyone’s a bit different but shoot for a subjective pain scale rating of at least a 6-8/10.

If you feel any sharp or radiating pain, different from what the trigger points in soft tissue feel like, discontinue your pressure. You’re most likely on a nerve or vascular vessel. Move off that point and continue your treatment next to such nerve. Many of your nerves can become sticky, just as soft tissues do. Treat the tissue, not the nerve.

The more tension you create, the less force you’ll need to exert. Think of twist, not push, with your hand placements.


Top 7 things to know about Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential for many functions in the body. The primary omega-3 fatty acids are EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid, and DHA, docosahexaenoic acid is what is found in seafood, such as fatty fish (e.g., salmon, tuna, and trout) and shellfish (e.g., crab, mussels, and oysters). There is another kind of omega-3, called ALA, αlpha-linolenic acids found in other foods, including some vegetable oils like canola and soy. Omega-3s are also available as dietary supplements; for example, fish oil supplements contain EPA and DHA, and flaxseed oil supplements contain ALA. Many scientists have emerged about the significant health benefits of consuming seafood and even more health benefits of omega-3 dietary supplements in your diet.

Here are seven important things you should know about omega-3s:

1) The product of the research on diets rich in seafood like fish and shellfish and heart disease provide reasonable evidence that people who eat seafood at least once a week is less likely to die of heart disease than those who never eat seafood or rarely have it in their diet. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 (3MB PDF) includes a new recommendation that adults should eat 8 or more ounces of a variety of seafood per week because it will provide a range of nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids. Smaller amounts are recommended for young children, and there are personalized recommendations for breastfeeding or pregnant women. See Tip number 4.

2) Evidence suggests that seafood rich in EPA, Eicosapentaenoic acid, and DHA, the Docosahexaenoic acid should be included in a heart-healthy diet. However, supplements of EPA and DHA have shown very little to protect against heart disease. In 2012, two groups of scientists analyzed the research on the effects of EPA/DHA supplements on heart disease risk. One group analyzed only studies in people with a history of heart disease, and the other group analyzed studies in people both with and without a history of heart disease. Both reviews found decent evidence of a protective effect of the supplements and the heart.

3) In 2012 review of the scientific literature concluded that the acids EPA and DHA, the types of omega-3s found in seafood, fish oil, and specific supplements might be modestly helpful for relieving symptoms of RA, rheumatoid arthritis. In the studies included in the review, many of the participants reported that when they were taking fish oil, they had less morning stiffness, less joint swelling and pain, and a fewer need for anti-inflammatory drugs to control their symptoms.

4) The nutritional value of seafood specifically omega-3 acids is of particular importance during fetal growth and development, as well as in newborns and early childhood. Women who are pregnant and breastfeeding should consume 8 to 12 ounces of seafood per week from a variety of seafood types and omega-3 supplements that are low in methylmercury as part of a healthy eating pattern and while staying within reasonable calorie needs. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should try to stay away from large amounts of white tuna, labeled as “albacore” and limit the amount to no more than 6 ounces per week. They should not eat tilefish, shark, swordfish, and king mackerel because they are high in methyl mercury. It is best and safest to regulate supplements because you know exactly what your getting and the measured out dose recommended for you.

5) There is continuous research on omega-3 fatty acids and diseases of the brain and eye, but they still need more evidence to be able to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of omega-3supplements for these conditions. DHA, Docosahexaenoic acid plays important roles in the functioning of the brain and the eye. Researchers are still actively investigating the possible benefits of DHA and other omega-3 fatty acids in preventing or treating a variety of brain- and eye-related conditions.

6) There is conflicting evidence about whether a link might exist between the omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood and fish oil, such as EPA and DHA and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Additional research on the association between omega-3 consumption and prostate cancer risk is under way.
Immunotherapy, or utilization of the immune system to repair, enhance, or stimulate the body’s natural immune responses to fight cancer, is a rapidly growing field of research. In addressing the challenge of prostate cancer, scientists have created or are developing various immunotherapeutic approaches such as Provenge, checkpoint therapies. However, natural substances also may have potential, including omega-3 fatty acids.

7) The bottom line: Including seafood in your diet is healthy and beneficial. Omega-3 supplements are helpful in many different ways. If you are considering omega-3 supplements, talk to your health care provider. It’s especially important to consult your or your child’s health care provider if you are pregnant and breastfeeding and if you take medicine that affects blood clotting. If you are allergic to seafood, or if you are considering giving a child an omega-3 supplement which is allergic may be helpful to ask a doctor.

All in all the food source of omega-3, which is fish and other seafood, is not typically a safe option. The vast majority of our fish supply is very heavily contaminated with many different pollutants and toxins like mercury, PCBs, heavy metals and radioactive poisons that should be replaced by supplements that are tested and correctly measured. Another reason why a high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fat supplement is important is that many people, including pregnant women, do not get enough of these vital fatty acids.


The Best Routines with Resistance Bands

Many people who lift weights will have the greatness of free-weights as the best mass builder. While free weights are excellent, the resistance bands can also have their place as well. In the past, some resistance bands have been given a bad name as they became seen as only for middle-aged women doing some aerobic workout with 5 pounds of resistance, which is not true. Many men incorporate resistance bands into their workouts especially when trying to regain strength in some regions of the body.

Some distinct differences in resistance bands can make them useful to anyone, especially those who will be away from any gym for a while.

There are many advantages to using resistance bands in your routines. The first and probably the most obvious advantage is how much easier they will fit into your luggage compared with free weights. There is also a mechanical advantage in resistance bands that resistance is maintained through every part of the motion while many similar free weight exercises are non-performing work during parts of the lift when movement isn’t against gravity at a large enough angle.

With your resistance band training, every part of both the concentric and eccentric part of the exercise has resistance, resulting in better range of motion strength and a complete stimulation. The downside to resistance bands is that you can’t perform near maximum lifts and the limitation of exercises (the latter of which I will try to help overcome).

Using Resistance Bands
When using resistance bands for your workout, the factor you should be thinking about is picking a band with a resistance appropriate to your strength and the exercise you are doing. When performing the exercise, the band should be secured in a way, so the length is appropriate to give resistance even at the bottom of the exercise.

1. Bench Press
For this you will need a bench of some sort with a leg you can lift. Secure the band under the leg nearest your head, lie down on the bench and press up like you would a barbell bench press.

2. Crossovers
Secure the band around a stationary post (a poll or something of the like), step back enough to begin tension. Stand to face away from the post with arms raised to sides, palms forward. Keeping your arms straight, bring them across your chest.

3. Curls
Stand on band with leg width appropriate so that tension will start with arms straight down. Holding handles palms up, curl as you would dumbbells.

4. Triceps Extensions
Stand on band with leg width set, so tension begins at the height of your hand with arms behind your back (over your head) and elbows flexed. Extend your arms as you would with Triceps extensions.

5. Skull-Crushers
Set up the band as you did with the bench press. Point your elbows forward and up, and perform skull-crushers as you would with a barbell.

Shoulder Workouts
1. Shoulder Press
Stand on band so that tension starts with hands by your shoulders. Hold handles palms forward with bottom part of the handle on the backside of your hand. Press upward as you would a dumbbell press.

2. Lateral Raises
Stand on the band, so tension begins with arms at sides. Keeping your arms straight, raise your arms out to your sides, so they are parallel with the floor.

3. Upright Rows
Stand on the band, so that tension begins with your arms at sides. Pull upwards as if you would with a barbell upright row.

Upper Back Exercise
1. Row
Fix your band, so it is around a stationary post or your feet. Then stand back, so that tension begins with your arms raised out in front of you. Keeping feet planted or by sitting, pull back as you would with a cable row.

2. Back Flyes
Fix band around a stationary post. Stand back so that that tension will begin with your arms raised in front of you. Keeping your arms straight and feet planted, move your arms back, so they are extended by your sides.

Lower Back
1. Good Mornings
Stand on the band, so tension starts with hands clasped behind neck. Keeping legs straight or slightly bent, stand up straight, raising back as in a traditional good-morning.

1. Squats
Stand on the bands, so that tension begins with your hands by shoulders and in a squat position. Stand up and keep your hands by shoulders, performing like you would if it was a barbell squat.

Calf Workouts
1. Calf Raises
Stand on your band, so that the tension begins with your hands by your shoulders and by standing straight up. Make sure you’re standing on the band with your toes. Keeping hands by your shoulder, stand up on your toes as you would with a barbell calf raise.

Abdominal Workouts
1. Weighted Sit-ups
If you have a decline bench seat, you can fix the band around the base of the bench and perform the weighted decline sit-ups on the bench. Otherwise, adjust the band around a stationary post and lie on the floor facing away from the post. Holding your hands up by your head, perform the sit-ups or crunches.

The routine
Using the exercises from above, you can set up a workout routine the way you like. With the resistance band type based workouts, the best would most likely be three full-body workouts or a 2-day split with Day A on Monday and Thursday and Day B on Tuesday and Friday.

For example on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
3 x 8 Bench Press
1 x 10 Cross-over
3 x 10 Rows
1 x 15 Back Flyes
3 x 15 Squats
2 x 10 Curls
2 x 8 Skull-Crushers
2 x 10 Triceps Extensions
2 x 8 Shoulder Press
2 x 8 Lateral Raises
1 x 10 Upright Rows
3 x 8 Good-Mornings
3 x 10 Calf Raises
3 x 20 Weighted Crunches

Benefits and Worth of Resistance Bands
As with any exercise routine, the resistance bands will increase the strength of your muscles and stimulate growth in such muscles. The bands will also allow you to hit the full range of motion, also working many parts of a lift and muscle that isn’t often operated by the free weights. Free weight curls and triceps extensions aren’t working during the whole action.

This, in turn, will also increase your flexibility and your applicable strength and more muscle stimulation. So it becomes quite apparent that for anyone who really needs a way to work out on vacation but periodically can’t get to the gym, or wants something even extra to add to their workout, resistance bands are very worth it. And at such a low cost, there’s little reason not to invest in them.


Roll the Pain Away and Recover Quickly

Best Roller Stick

A roller stick is a compact, lightweight self-massage tool small enough to fit in a gym bag length ranging from 15-inches to 25-inches. With ergonomic handles on both ends and biotherapeutic spindles across the middle, a roller stick provides an easy way to compress and stretch muscles, facilitating a soft tissue treatment called myofascial release.

Myofascial Release

The result of myofascial release is manifold – it improves your blood circulation, enhances the muscles’ stretch reflex, treats your trigger points, and loosens you when you’re tight or have knotted muscles. All these work hand in hand in giving instant pain relief, speeding up muscle recovery time, and increasing range of motion or movement.

This extensive functionality is why the roller stick is one of the most recommended tools for optimizing performance.

The Overall Track Record for Roller Sticks

Roller sticks are powerful self-massage tools that are widely used by many professional athletes for over a decade. In fact, USA Track and Field has endorsed the first and most famous roller stick – just known as The Stick – for years. Loren Seagrave, one of the most renowned speed coaches in the world, have recommended them to his athletes to positive results.

One Size Does Not Fit Everyone
One crucial thing to remember is that one size doesn’t fit all. In order to help you find out which stick is the most suitable to address your muscle needs, we have searched for the best roller sticks and review them here.

Recommended Techniques For Using a Roller Stick
Muscle Rollers are the best at providing you with instant pain relief. Using a Stick Roller on a daily basis can provide you constant muscle maintenance and prevent future injuries. Below are the five most recommended techniques when treating targeted areas.

1. Neck
Turn your head 10-degrees to the right and slide the muscle roller stick on the left side of the neck. Do the same movements in the opposite direction. Drop your chin and push the roller stick across the back of the neck as well. Roller Stick on Neck

2. Shoulders
To roll your right shoulder, stand up straight, grab the left end of your roller stick from your back with your left hand and the right end with your right hand. Use your left hand for an anchor as you roll your right shoulder by using your right hand. To roll your left shoulder, you should do the same procedure but in reverse Roller stick

3. Upper Back

To roll your left side of your upper back, grab the left end of the stick with your left hand and point your left elbow forward. Grab the right end of the stick from behind with your right hand to serve as an anchor for you. Using your left hand, slide the stick back and forth between your spine and your shoulder blade. To roll the right upper back, perform the same procedure but in reverse. Best Roller Stick Back

4. Leg
Raise your left leg by stepping on a raised platform. Grab both sides of the stick with each hand and then roll the left hip. Using the same stance, start by working on your front leg as well. Do the same movements in reverse to work on the right leg.

Leg Roller Stick
5. Lower Back
Place your roller stick across your lower back and grab both ends with each one of your hands. Roll your stick up and down using short strokes. Do this type of procedure between the belt line and the buttocks.

For deeper massage, gently bend backward at the waist and anchor the left end with the left elbow. Grab the right end with your palm up for leverage and slide the stick up and down via short strokes. Do the same procedure but in reverse to work on the opposite side. Back Roller Stick

In Conclusion
Both roller sticks and foam rollers have their types of advantages and disadvantages. The right tool for you will depend on the kind of workout that you do on a regular basis. Owning both, however, can give you the best of both worlds, and the only way you can get the most out of their respective advantages is by learning many of the tried-and-tested techniques used by long-term users.

We have searched the Internet for the best and reviewed roller sticks here.

If you have ever used the infamous foam roller, then you know how effective they can be. However, the massage stick is much better and easier to target specific muscle groups such as your neck, your inner thigh muscles, your shin muscles, your arms or muscles underneath the foot that can be difficult to do with the foam roller.

Benefits using the massage stick roller
– Improve Overall Performance: the most important reason to use the massage stick roller is to improve the overall performance of your muscles during exercise. Whether you are lifting weights or doing cardio, it helps to release lactic acid and stimulate blood flow when used following exercise so that you will perform better during your next workout.

– Reduce Possible Injury and Increase Your Flexibility: when using a Stick Roller before an injury, it can significantly reduce your injuries as it stretches out your muscle fibers, tendons, and ligaments.

– Myofascial and Pain Release:
When using a Stick Roller after a workout while your muscles are still warm will prevent the muscles from becoming tight and sore. If you are not presently using a massage stick, it’s excellent to roll out your trigger points to remove any painful muscle knots. It also feels great as a tender spot starts to loosen up, and you can feel the circulation of your blood improve!

– Portable and Lightweight:
The massage stick is extremely convenient to take with you on the go as an alternative to the foam roller when you go traveling or even when you go to the gym.

– Improve Mood and Sleep: if the above benefits weren’t enough, the massage stick also improves your mood and sleep. Its simple, when your muscles are healthy and relaxed, you feel more healthy and comfortable which impacts your mood and gives your better sleep.


Reviewing the Manduka Yoga Mat

Investing in a good yoga mat is essential to your mind, body, and practice. Mats provide comfort between your body and floor. They allow for cushioning hips, elbows, and knees when flowing through the different poses.
Mats allow for a personal space and boundary if you aren’t familiar with the person next to you.
Rental mats just aren’t worth the process. You may not be receiving a mat that is cleaned therefore owning your own provides you with satisfaction that it isn’t engulfed in bacteria.
When researching yoga mats, you will quickly see there is a vast variety of mats that are out there. Mats range from cheap plastic ones to high-quality mats made almost entirely from natural materials.
Mats have come a long way over the last decade, so if practicing yoga is a big part of your life, take advantage of it and buy one that feels good under your body.

Listed below are four styles of Manduka yoga mats that are more commonly used.

There is a short analysis of each mat’s key features such as material, grip, texture, support, and odor, along with a summary of why you should or should not use that particular mat.

1. Manduka Pro Yoga Mat- The Manduka Pro is stable, firm, extremely resilient and supportive. I also found that it was so supportive that I didn’t need additional padding for my knees or elbows. It rarely absorbs your sweat or smell and is made with eco-certified safe PVC and is free from toxins (specifically phthalate free).

The major issue with this mat is its weight. If you practice away from home, or if you walk or bike to the yoga studio, you might find this one to be way too heavy. The mat can also be too firm for some people and can become quite slippery when sweaty.

Buy the Manduka Pro if:
You like your mat to feel firm
You need extra support under your knees
You do yoga mostly under dry conditions
You care that it’s free from toxins (specifically phthalate free)
You want one that doesn’t absorb moisture
You want a mat that is remarkably resilient, with a lifetime guarantee

Don’t buy the Manduka Pro if:
You don’t want a hefty mat
You plan to use it in wet conditions
You want your mat to feel soft
You would prefer one made mostly from natural materials

2. Manduka Prolite Yoga Mat
This mat is the thinner and lighter version of the Manduka Pro. It features the same material, surface, and density as the Manduka Pro, so bears the same advantages, is also made with eco-certified PVC and, in contrast to the Pro, it comes in a variety of colors.

Even though it’s quite a bit lighter and thinner than the Manduka Pro, some may still find it too heavy. It also provides less support for boney joints, and like the Manduka Pro, slippage can also be a problem since it repels sweat and so it tends to stay on top.

Buy the Manduka Prolite if:
You like your mat to be more firm
You need reasonable amount of support under your knees
You do practice yoga mostly in dry conditions
You care that it’s free from toxins, more specifically phthalate free
You want one that doesn’t absorb moisture or odors
You want one that is incredibly resilient

Don’t buy the Manduka Prolite if:
You don’t want a relatively heavy mat
You want very thick padding
You plan to use the mat for practice in wet conditions
You want your mat to feel soft

3. Manduka Eko Yoga Mat
The Manduka Eko Mat is made entirely from non-Amazonian, all-natural tree rubber that is reinforced with polyester and cotton and manufactured without toxic glues or foaming agents. The two layers of this mat are different densities, offering a combination of both spongy and firm support, and have a closed-cell surface that repels moisture. The natural rubber has a good grip and feels nice under your body.

Given the thickness 3/16” of the the Manduka Eko is surprisingly heavy 7 lbs. Like the Manduka ProLite, it may not be supportive enough for some and loses its grip when it becomes wet. Also, because Eko mats are made from natural rubber, a rubber smell may linger for quite some time.

Buy the Manduko Eko if:
You need reasonable support under your knees
You do yoga mostly under dry conditions
You care that it’s mostly made from natural, eco-friendly rubber
You want a mat that doesn’t absorb moisture

Don’t buy the Manduko Eko if:
You don’t want a heavy weighing mat
You want thicker padding
You plan to use it for practice in wet areas or conditions


What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol (trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a natural compound found in red grape skin, Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidate), peanuts, blueberries and a couple of other berries. It is a very powerful antioxidant that is produced by some plants to defend them against environmental stresses. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, which are believed to be the cause of aging. The Japanese knotweed is the plant source of the highest resveratrol content.

A significant amount of resveratrol is produced in the skin of grapes to defend the plant against fungal diseases and sun damage; so the wine has higher levels of resveratrol compared to other natural food. Red wine contains a little amount of resveratrol, 1 to 2 mg per 8 ounces of red wine. Although Red wine has much more resveratrol than white wine because red wines are fermented with the grape skins for a much longer time than white wines. The reason there are so many of the antioxidants including resveratrol that are naturally present in the grape skins is extracted into the wine. Resveratrol is also very present in the seeds and pomace of grapes.

Grapes grown in wet environments tend to have more resveratrol than grapes grown in more dry conditions. The theory behind this phenomenon is that grapes grown in humid climates produce more resveratrol to fight damaging fungus (i.e. grapes cultivated in dry conditions do not need to produce as much resveratrol to survive).

Resveratrol has been thought to be responsible for low rates of heart disease in the French population compared to other residents, in spite of the fact that they have many risk factors including a high-fat diet, smoking, and consumption of high amounts of coffee. All of these are known to have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke and heart attacks. This benefit in the French population is due to the consumption of red wine, which is a source resveratrol. Other ingredients in wine or other factors may contribute to longevity seen in the French.

Resveratrol is a dietary supplement from red wine extracts, grape seed extracts, and Japanese knotweed extracts among others. Supplements on the market mostly come from Japanese knotweed because this plant has one of the highest concentrations of resveratrol found in nature.

The amount of resveratrol and the purity of it in supplements can vary widely. Micronized Resveratrol is available in pill or powder form since Resveratrol is not well-absorbed orally. The process of micronization significantly reduces the average particle size of a compound and increases absorption. Resveratrol is also available in solution form.

How does Resveratrol work?

Resveratrol protects the DNA of a cell and is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can help prevent this cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals are atoms caused by pollution, sunlight and our bodies natural burning of fat that can lead to cancer, aging and brain degeneration.

What are the benefits of taking Resveratrol?

Resveratrol has been known to have many health benefits like protecting the heart and circulatory system, lowering cholesterol, and protecting against blood clots which are the reason heart attacks and stroke occurs. Animal studies have suggested it can reduce blood sugar levels. Since resveratrol is considered an antioxidant, it is often promoted to reduce the incidence of various cancers. Studies on animals also suggest resveratrol may lower brain plaque levels in Alzheimer’s disease. But, well-controlled, human clinical trials are lacking in all of these areas, and many of the resveratrol claims are based in animal studies in mice.

The clinical utility of resveratrol in humans is under investigation. Studies suggest there might be benefits of weight loss, reduction in insulin resistance, and reducing mortality in diabetes. Human research with resveratrol is becoming more involved with scientists studies. A small randomized study in the November 2011 issue of Cell Metabolism demonstrated that 150 mg of resveratrol once daily for 30 days significantly lowered mean systolic and arterial blood pressure, tumor necrosis factor (a marker of inflammation), plasma glucose and insulin concentrations, and plasma triglyceride concentrations, among other findings. Researchers note that longer studies at higher doses increase results.

What other drugs will affect Resveratrol?

Drug interaction studies with resveratrol have hardly been conducted. The probable interaction with blood thinners should be taken into consideration. Patients taking blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, warfarin, or clopidogrel should advise their doctor that they are taking resveratrol. Also, patients should always inform their health care providers of any dietary supplements or over-the-counter medications they use.

Who should not take Resveratrol?
Patients with blood disorders, that can cause bleeding, should be monitored by a physician while taking this product. People bout to have surgery should stop taking resveratrol two weeks before the surgery and not take it for two weeks after the surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Don’t take resveratrol supplements or excessive amounts of natural foods containing resveratrol while pregnant or breastfeeding. There is a lack of research in this area to prove safety. Resveratrol should be avoided in children.

Resveratrol little estrogenic activity, and until more is known, women with cancers and other conditions that are estrogen sensitive should seek medical advice before taking resveratrol.

Resveratrol reduces the activity of enzymes involved in drug metabolism but whether it has a significant effect in humans has not been studied.

What are the possible side effects of Resveratrol?
Adverse effects of resveratrol in humans have not been reported. Long-term side effects are not known. A small study conducted in 2011 in obese patients given 150 mg per day of resveratrol noted little weight loss.


Resveratrol Benefits

Scientists have solved a mystery that has been a huge complication for scientists since resveratrol, a chemical that is found in red wine and other foods, was first discovered to have significant health benefits.

Newest research that Resveratrol effect on inflammation also shows it can be used to treat very deadly inflammatory disease, like appendicitis, peritonitis, and systemic sepsis.

Resveratrol reduces inflammation that prevents your body from creating two different molecules known to trigger inflammation which is sphingosine kinase and phospholipase D.

Resveratrol is a group of compounds which are known as polyphenols. They’re known to act as a powerful antioxidant that is found in certain fruits, vegetables, and cocoa. This is emerging as a newly discovered fountain of youth. The science surrounding this compound is so compelling that it has become one the favorite antioxidants that scientists believe can show real promise of health benefits.

Resveratrol is typically associated with grapes and red wine and was initially thought to be the French had a nickname the “French Paradox” because of the tendency for French people to have incredible cardiovascular health even though they had a “poor” diet and the love for wine.

One study shows a way in which resveratrol can help protect your health by preventing your body from creating sphingosine kinase and phospholipase D the two molecules that are known to trigger inflammation in the body.

Even though inflammation is a natural response that your body has, it’s a process that your body’s white blood cells go into protective mode, and don’t let invaders in such as bacteria and viruses; it’s very much impossible for your body to function in a chronically inflamed state.

Chronic inflammation is not a good bodily response, in fact, it has been linked to many chronic diseases including heart disease.

Resveratrol is different among antioxidants because it can cross the blood-brain barrier to protect your brain and nervous system, the studies have shown that it is beneficial and wide reaching, including:

• Protecting your cells from free radical damage

• Inhibiting the spread of cancer, especially prostate cancer

• Lowering your blood pressure

• Keeping your heart healthy and improving elasticity in your blood vessels

• Normalizing your anti-inflammatory response

• Helping to prevent Alzheimer’s disease

Since resveratrol shows to be so effective at defending many diseases associated with aging, it is often referred to as the “fountain of youth” that can extend one’s life.

Many animal studies show that resveratrol has helped overweight, unhealthy mice run a longer distance and live about 20 percent longer. It has been studied and found to increase the life of human cells.

Resveratrol also seems to produce many similar benefits as exercise, and it would be a powerful addition to using.

It’s gained a ton of attention for its anti-aging and disease-fighting powers. Research also suggest it will help protect you against:

Heart disease: It will contribute to reducing inflammation, which lowers LDL, and “bad” cholesterol, and makes it harder for clots to form that which can lead to a heart attack.

Cancer: It is thought to limit the spread of cancer cells and begin killing them.

Alzheimer’s: It could protect nerve cells from being damaged and fight against the plaque buildup that will lead to the disease.

Diabetes: Resveratrol prevents insulin resistance, a condition in which the body will become less sensitive to blood sugar-lowering hormone insulin. This situation will likely lead to diabetes.

Many researchers believe that resveratrol activates the SIRT1 gene. This gene is found to protect the body against the effects of being obese and unhealthy as well as the diseases of aging.

Side Effects

Many studies have been done and they not discovered any severe issues, even when the resveratrol is taken in high doses.

Although, these supplements might have an interaction with blood thinners like warfarin (Coumadin) and NSAID medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen. This could may raise your chance of bleeding.

As for other supplements, the FDA does not regulate resveratrol at all. This makes it challenging and dangerous for consumers to know exactly what they’re getting or whether the product is useful. They don’t even have any specific dosage recommendation, and how much you should be taking can vary from one supplement to another

The dosages in most resveratrol supplements are typically much lower than the amounts that have been shown beneficial in research. Most supplements contain 250 to 500 milligrams. To get the dose used in some studies, people would have to consume 2 grams of resveratrol (2,000 milligrams) or more a day.

Resveratrol is found in grapes, which produce it as a defense against fungi. Muscadine grapes have the highest concentration of resveratrol in nature because of their extra thick skins and numerous seeds where it is concentrated.

Resveratrol is also found in abundance in red wine and grapes, and it’s highly soluble in alcohol, meaning your body may absorb more of it from red wine than from other sources. But there are other sources out there, including cocoa, dark chocolate, and peanuts.

If you decide to take a resveratrol supplement, there are many products on the market. Make sure to look for ones made from muscadine grapes, they use the whole grape skins and seeds, as this is where many of the nutritional benefits are concentrated.
