Tuesday 31 July 2018

What Today’s Baby Boomers Have to Know about Fitness Centers

Visiting a fitness center can be intimidating and even overwhelming. You find yourself surrounded by people many years younger than you and wonder about which exercises and exercise equipment you can use safely.

However, as the baby boomer population ages, more facilities are catering to an older crowd. If you’re ready to sign up for a gym membership, try these tips for managing the physical and social challenges.

Managing the Physical Challenges

Consult your doctor. Speak to your physician before starting an exercise program, especially if you’re overweight or have been sedentary for some time. Your doctor can advise you about any medical conditions you need to keep in mind, such as high blood pressure. If you need more guidance, ask for recommendations for an exercise physiologist or nutritionist.

Check out weight machines. Even frail seniors may be able to strength train with air-powered machines where you just hit a button if the load feels too heavy. Resistance bands are another option. On the other hand, if your balance is strong, you may be able to continue using free weights.

Focus on low-impact aerobics. Protect your joints and adjust for a decreased maximum heart rate. Try swimming and dance classes that keep your feet on the floor. If you’re concerned about falling off the treadmill, look for recumbent machines that offer more stability.

Stretch gently. End each session with gentle movements that build up your flexibility. Extending your range of motion can also help you to live independently longer.

Remain seated if you like. Many exercises can be performed without standing up. Browse online for yoga moves you can do sitting on a gym bench.

Pace yourself. Walking is a great way to start moving, and your first exercise sessions may last only a few minutes. Increase the intensity of your workouts slowly to avoid injury.

Managing the Social Challenges

Sign up for group classes. Maybe your gym schedules custom-designed classes for members over 50. Whatever you find on the program, classes are a convenient way to meet your fellow gym members.

Choose a spot. If you feel conspicuous standing up front, position yourself at the back of the room or off to the side. You can often see the instructor better from a distance.

Talk with the instructors. Qualified trainers will be happy to suggest modifications and substitutions to deal with any medical conditions or injuries you may have. Many seniors are concerned about falls. Ask your instructor to show you exercises that can help you to balance.

Find an exercise partner. Look around for gym members your own age. Workout buddies can watch out for each other and provide motivation.

Invite your friends. Your membership probably includes guest passes and discounts. See if anyone you know would like to join you. You’ll look forward to workouts more when you share them with your friends.

Adjust your schedule. Noisy gyms can be irritating for some seniors. Ask the staff about what hours of the day tend to be less busy. You may want to designate the early morning hours as your regular time.

Arrange your soundtrack. Speaking of noise, you may prefer Chopin to the newer dance songs booming over the loudspeakers. If you’re unable to locate a gym that plays quieter tunes, you may want to wear earplugs or listen to audiobooks with your earbuds.

By the age of 40, most adults lose 1% or more of their muscle mass each year. Slow down aging with regular exercise. Training at the gym can help you make new friends while you strengthen your body and mind.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/what-todays-baby-boomers-have-to-know-about-fitness-centers/

The Secret of Teaching Yourself to Crave Healthy Foods

A recent study found that less than 10% of Americans are eating enough fruits and vegetables. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fewer than 15% of Americans are consuming the recommended 2 to 4 daily servings of fruit, and less than 9% consume 3 to 5 servings of vegetables.

If you’re going to beat the cravings, you will need to rewire your brain so you crave Brussel sprouts more than bacon. Each time you choose healthier foods, you’re strengthening your desire for them. Take a look at these recommendations for changing the way you think and eat.

Changing the Way You Think

Remember your primary intent and focus is here. You will need to have a pinpoint focus on why you choose to consume nutritious whole foods. Eliminating empty calories can help you look and feel your best. You’ll have more energy, and will be less susceptible to illness or disease

Plan ahead. Ask yourself if a few minutes of munching on candy and chips is worth the consequences and the result. Would your future self-be better off if you snacked on a banana, celery, or baby carrots?

Study nutrition. It is quite simple to google information or perhaps do a YouTube search if you prefer video learning, for all the information you need to fully educate yourself on what foods to eat to maintain a healthy diet, and become a fat burning machine. The more you know about how your diet affects your health, the stronger your motivation will be. Schedule a session with a registered dietician or browse online to learn more about reading food labels and restaurant menus.

Form new habits. It’s easier to start a positive new habit than to break an old routine. If you’re used to eating a donut with your coffee, treat yourself to a few almonds instead of going hungry.

Focus on rewards that don’t involve food. If emotional eating is a concern, you may need to seek gratification elsewhere. Reward yourself by buying yourself a new shirt or pair of jeans, or spending time with friends at a special place like a theater, hiking in the mountains, or any other fun activity you enjoy doing.

Recruit support. Speaking of friends, social support is vital. Surround yourself with others who are trying to eat well so you can share encouragement and feedback.

Changing the Way You Eat

Add healthy fats. You may have noticed a recent shift in nutritional advice. Experts are now talking less about avoiding fats, and more about choosing healthy fats. Broccoli can be a lot more appealing when you drizzle on olive oil.

Hunt for deals. Perhaps the high price of some superfoods is putting a damper on your organic grocery store shopping. Shop for seasonal produce or you can even grow your own. Stock up on inexpensive staples like beans and lentils. Visit the bulk bins where you can save on packaging costs, and sample small quantities until you discover your favorite grains and seeds.

Beautify your place settings. Presentation makes a big difference. Sit down to eat. Create an attractive centerpiece or light candles. Use colorful dishes and bowls.

Branch out. If kale is starting to bore you, experiment with other salad greens like oakleaf or mizuna. Sign up for cooking classes or visit the library for more ideas about what to make for dinner.

Carry snacks. Bring hummus or yogurt to the office with you for your afternoon break. You’ll soon like your own fresh food better than the packaged goods in the vending machines.

Make it convenient to eat healthy foods. The foods we crave are often the ones that require a minimal effort like cookies and frozen dinners. You can make healthy substitutes just as handy. Keep a bowl of fruit on your dining room table. Buy whole-wheat pizza crusts you can top with cut vegetables and cheese for a hot meal in minutes.

Imagine looking forward to a bowl of beets with the same enthusiasm you usually reserve for double-fudge brownies. Some simple mental training, along with adjusting a few lifestyle habits, will have you craving food that’s good for you.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/the-secret-of-teaching-yourself-to-crave-healthy-foods/

Monday 30 July 2018

You Are What You Drink – Part 1

Sometimes satisfying your thirst comes at a stiff price, in fact, what you drink matters as much and many times more than what you eat. So many drinks are unhealthy and if you are choosing to live, a healthy life and follow a healthy nutrition plan, then you need to choose drinks that are healthy as well.

There are many drink choices for you to choose from, and some of them are worse than others, in fact, you may be surprised by some of those that made this list of the worst drinks for your health.
Oftentimes the drinks you think are okay or may even love are actually full of sugar, with lots of high fructose corn syrup, and lots of calories. Keep in mind that when it comes to calories it does not matter whether they are from food or something as seemingly harmless as a liquid, they all add to your waistline contributing to obesity and related serious health problems. Worse yet is that these high sugar drinks are typically devoid of any nutritional value, making them even more unhealthy.

Let’s take a look at the most unhealthy drinks and how they are harmful to your health.

22 Worst Drinks For Your Health


Soda includes fruit flavors and colas. Arguably, the absolute worst, most unhealthy drink ever made, soda is a concoction of chemicals and sugar, that’s it. Nothing else. No nutrients, nothing good, and actually all that is bad. For a 8 Ounce Can Of Soda there are 150 EMPTY Calories and 39 grams of sugar


  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Caramel color
  • Phosphoric acid (artificial coloring and chemical preservative)
  • Caffeine

Better Option: Club soda

Diet Soda

Think diet soda is okay? Think again.
There are the artificial colors that may cause cancer, flame-retardants, lots of nasty chemicals and fake sugars that actually contribute to weight gain.

While the artificial sweetener, aspartame that is often found in diet soda is supposed to be a sugar substitute that supports weight loss, it may have the exact opposite effect.

Your body is intuitive, and so when your body takes in artificial sweeteners it recognizes it as something sweet being ingested, which makes it anticipate calories be drank, but since there are no calories in diet sodas the body reacts in confusion by stimulating the release of hunger hormones causing cravings for high-carb disasters, such as cookies, chips and other unhealthy junk food.

Better Option: Club soda

Read Part 2 of this Post

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/you-are-what-you-drink-part-1/

You Are What You Drink – Part 2

Read Part 1 of this Post

Energy Drinks and Shots

When you turn over an energy drink, the nutrition label is absent and replaced with a supplement facts panel. These two labels look very similar, and to consumers, there may seem like there is no difference at all. Sadly, this isn’t the case.

U.S. News recognizes that while nutrition labels are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the supplement industry does not have to follow the same regulation. They have little oversight as to what they must disclose about their products. Many energy drinks don’t actually disclose the variety of stimulants that go into the product and will often list them as a “proprietary blend.”

This means that it is possible you could be drinking dangerous amounts of stimulants, or even stimulants that interact with your current medications and not even know it.

These drinks contain, among other ingredients, lots of caffeine, guarana, ginseng, taurine, ginkgo biloba, glucuronolactone, and sugar.

The Substance Abuse And Mental Health Services Administration reports that emergency room visits connected to energy drinks doubled in numbers from 10,068 visits in 2007 to 20,783 visits in 2011.

Adverse Effects Related To Energy Drinks:

  • Individuals may experience symptoms that include abnormal heart rhythms or other cardiac problems after consuming only two energy beverages according to a study done by the American Heart Association. The amount of caffeine in most energy drinks can cause heart problems like atrial fibrillation and increased blood pressure. There are warnings on most energy drinks not to consume more than one energy drink a day, and those warnings stem from the increased number of cardiac cases seen due to the consumption of energy drinks. According to Medicaldaily.com when people consume energy drinks in excess physicians who see unexplained altered cardiac patterns should look to energy drinks as the source of the problem.
  • One sad and very unfortunate effect of the increased use of energy drink consumption is the higher rates of late miscarriages, stillbirths, and low birth-weight babies.
  • Energy drinks can change the awareness of fatigue and pain, which means that a person might try to push themselves past their natural healthy limits.
  • Marked hypocalcaemia (low calcium levels in the blood serum)
  • An increased risk of arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes in adults, which reduces Insulin sensitivity
  • Extreme amounts of caffeine can have real negative effects on the neurological and cardiovascular systems in teens and kids, which can cause physical dependence and addiction.
  • Tachycardia, agitation, irritability, nervousness, and insomnia are seen with high doses of caffeine. Caffeine toxicity can be compared to a lot of the symptoms that go along with amphetamine poisoning, which can include cardiac arrhythmias, seizures, and psychosis.

The World Health Organization reports plenty of research that shows drinking energy drinks, with high-risk behavior, such as combining them with alcohol, is dangerous. One study of US College students discovered that the combination of alcohol and energy drinks resulted in a higher probability of adverse reactions as compared to drinking alcohol only.

Better Option: Natural caffeine sources, coffee, green tea and black tea.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are used to replenish electrolytes lost during exercise or sporting activities, but the problem is most come with unhealthy ingredients: sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and lots of sodium. 8 Ounce Serving Contains:

  • 35 grams of sugar
  • High-fructose corn syrup listed as a top ingredient
  • 270mg of sodium

Better Option: Natural Electrolytes Blends

Electrolytes balance bodily fluids and hydrate the body to greatly boost energy and you can skip the high sugar sports drinks with these naturally low sugar electrolyte boosters.

Natural Electrolyte Nutrients

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Magnesium

Natural Electrolyte Foods

  • All plant foods but especially red, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables – high in potassium and magnesium
  • Beets
  • Oranges
  • Bell peppers
  • Green leafy vegetables are high in calcium, magnesium and potassium – kale, chard and spinach
  • Bananas – high in potassium
  • Natural sodium foods – celery, beets, bok choy and bell peppers
  • Sunflower and sesame seeds – high in calcium and magnesium

Drink It- Any of these ingredients can be blended into smoothies or juices. Add a teaspoon of salt to water to make a quick natural electrolyte boosting drink.

Read Part 3 of this Post

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/you-are-what-you-drink-part-2/

You Are What You Drink – Part 3

Read Part 2 of this Post

Frappuccinos And Other Coffee Drinks

Coffee has positive health benefits, but add to it lots of sugar, syrups, drizzles, whipped cream and artificial flavors and you turn a very good drink with positive health benefits, into something very bad.

Mochaccinos, Frappuccinos, and other coffee drinks often have as many as 1000 calories per serving; that offset all the great benefits, that coffee has to offer.

Bottled coffee drinks sold in many supermarkets and convenience stores nationwide are filled with sugar and fat from cream and milk and of course preservatives. It is quite obvious something has to keep them fresh since they sit on store aisles without requiring refrigeration.

Better Option: Drink your coffee black, or add ultra-filtered milk or a dash of fresh cream, and during the hot summer months try pouring it over ice for a healthy and refreshing coffee treat.

Bottled Nutrition Shakes

Many bottled nutrition shakes are not as healthy as they are marketed to be. They also include plenty of sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, and even hydrogenated oils (trans fats). Always read the labels, and check the list of ingredients.

Better Option: Get a high-quality casein or whey protein powder and make your own protein shakes.

Fruit Juice Drinks

Fruit juice drinks are disasters, filled with sugar, and some have high-fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors.

Better Option: Juice your own fruits and vegetables, when you can control the ingredients you control your health.

Bottled Smoothies

Bottled smoothies certainly are more convenient than making your own, but many are filled with lots of extra sugar, and plenty of calories. By using a sweetener such as the sugar form of fruit puree, manufacturers of these drinks get away with the “no sugar added” label misleading consumers into thinking they are getting a low sugar drink, when in fact that puree adds lots of sugar and extra calories.
Some smoothie products that do not require refrigeration also contain artificial ingredients and preservatives to extend their shelf life.

Better Option: Make your own smoothies, so you get lots of nutrients and none of the bad.

Read Part 4 of this Post

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/you-are-what-you-drink-part-3/

You Are What You Drink – Part 4

Read Part 3 of this Post

Vitamin Infused Water

A product that is infused with vitamins must be a healthy beverage, right? Think again, as those vitamins come at a high price in the form of tons of needless sugar and other junk that you don’t need. 33 grams of sugar on average per bottle! That is only 3 grams less than soda!

Better Option: Take a multivitamin instead or simply eat more vegetables and other plant foods to get your vitamins.

Bottled Ice Tea

Bottled ice tea is another high sugar disaster, and some products have high fructose corn syrup and preservatives.
Consider the fact that fresh tea spoils without refrigeration, so how many chemicals are keeping those products fresh on the shelves?

Better Option: Brew your own tea at home or buy all natural UNSWEETENED fresh brew tea products stored in the refrigerated aisles of the supermarket but be sure to check the list of ingredients.

Flavored Milks

Love the strawberry, banana, and other flavored milk products? Think again!
Sweetened milk are really bad drink choices as they contain artificial additives and are loaded with sugar. They are also lower in protein than other milk products.

The sugar in flavored milk is not the naturally occurring lactose found in regular milk but is granulated white sugar added during the production process.
These sugar filled disasters are often given to kids, sometimes to get them to drink milk, a really bad idea since they are filled with so much refined sugar.

Better option: Mash fresh strawberries at home and mix them into milk or make milk and berry smoothies.

Sweetened Nut Milk

Sweetened nut milk is loaded with unnecessary added sugar and therefore empty calories that contribute to weight gain. Always choose unsweetened nut milk. Nut milk is also lower in protein than animal or soymilk. Almond milk, for example, is only 2% real almonds, so they lack the vitamins, minerals and have less protein than eating nuts in their raw form.

Better option: Choose unsweetened nut milk or eat whole raw nuts

Regular Milk

Grain fed cow milk has more sugar, and less protein than grass fed cow milk. Grass fed milk is also higher in omega-3 fatty acids (heart health), and conjugated linoleic acid (improved immune system health, healthy bone mass, and reduced body fat). Oh, and if you ever taste organic grass-fed milk, you will never go back to the traditional stuff.

Better option: Ultra-filtered organic milk has only 5 grams of sugar (50% or less than regular milk) and double the protein of regular milk.

Read Part 5 of this Post

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/you-are-what-you-drink-part-4/

You Are What You Drink – Part 5

Read Part 4 of this Post


Your holiday tradition is loaded with fat, sugar, and cholesterol. 8 ounce serving contains

  • 223 calories
  • 11 grams of fat (7 grams saturated fat)
  • 150 mg cholesterol
  • 137mg sodium
  • 20 grams of sugar

Is there anything more that needs to be said?

Ice Cream Milkshakes

Who doesn’t love a thick and creamy ice cream milkshake? But before you head to your favorite ice cream shop, think again.
Here is a glimpse into what is inside a 100 gram Oreo Milkshake from a famous eatery:

  • 830 Calories
  • 52 grams of fat (29 grams is saturated fat)
  • 245 mg cholesterol
  • 310mg sodium
  • 100 grams of sugar

And this is just one example, some others are far worse having 150 grams or more of sugar and double the calories.

Better option: Make your own cold smoothies using ice, nonfat Greek yogurt, and fruit. Or blend sugar-free nonfat frozen yogurt, filtered milk, and fresh berries or dark chocolate (60% cacao) for a healthier version of the milkshake.

Instant Hot Cocoa

Instant cocoa is another dismal disaster that turns a great thing bad. High quality cacao contains key antioxidants that promote good health and prevent premature aging, but instant cocoa drinks add tons of sugar that make them very unhealthy.

Better option: Make your hot chocolate using high-quality cocoa powder and keep the sugar to a minimal.

Coffee Creamers

Here is a perfect example of the disastrous results that occur when food is made in a factory.

  • Some brands of coffee creamers contain titanium dioxide (also used in sunblock), a UV radiation blocker used as a whitening agent that in studies with mice caused tissue and liver damage and has been implicated in various ill health effects in humans
  • Contain trans fats (hydrogenated oil) a real heart killer
  • Flavored creamers (hazelnut) are loaded with unnecessary added sugars
  • Numerous creamer brands contain a form of butane called TBHQ

Better option: Ultra filtered milk or any grass fed milk or even a dash of real cream or half and half

Packaged Coconut Water

Most of the coconut water products marketing today often contain lots more sugar (as much as two times) than you need or that you should ingest especially as compared to natural coconut water. Another point here is that packaged coconut water products include much less fiber than the real thing. One of the primary benefits of coconut water is potassium content, a natural electrolyte that helps hydrate your body. A study conducted by Consumer Lab discovered that two of the most popular brands of coconut water actually did not contain the amount of potassium electrolytes as were listed on their labels.

Better option: to re-hydrate after a workout, eat a banana and drink some fresh filtered water, eat some red, orange, or yellow fruits or vegetables, all of which are naturally high in potassium and magnesium (natural electrolyte) or make them into a fresh smoothie.

Read Part 6 of this Post

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/you-are-what-you-drink-part-5/

You Are What You Drink – Part 6

Read Part 5 of this Post

Sugary And High Fat Cocktails

Next time you’re at your favorite bar, consider this:

  • Pina Coladas contain coconut cream, a high-fat disaster that yields 792 calories and 83 grams of fat per serving, 74 grams of that fat is saturated fat (too much is a detriment to the heart). What’s worse is that low-quality coconut oils are processed using a process that leaves behind chemical residues and often includes hydrogenated oil (trans fat, a heart killer). Typically one Piña Colada will have more than 650 calories, lots of sugar and fat and zero nutrients.
  • Long Island ice tea has as many as 400 calories or more.
  • Flavored martinis have more than 450 calories
  • White Russians, which are made with Kahlua, vodka and heavy cream or milk have more than 750 calories and 23 grams of fat per drink
  • The mudslide, a mix of Kahlua, vodka, Bailey’s liquor and cream or ice cream is another extremely high-fat mess that yields at least 850 calories and more than 20 grams of fat per cocktail.
  • Fruity margaritas include pre-made mixers that are high in sugar and often contain high fructose corn syrup
  • While numbers do vary, the average bottle of beer has at least 150 calories, of course depending on the style you prefer. And who has just one in a night? After 4 beers, that’s as many as 600 empty calories.

In general, the fanciest cocktails are usually the highest in calories and sugar.

Better option: hard liquor such as scotch, tequila, or vodka with club soda, water or fresh lemon, lime juice or Triple Sec. Red or white wine, Bloody Mary with fresh tomato juice and light beer are also better choices.

Slushies and Icees

Slushies and Icees are full of sugar and loaded with calories. And even worse, many fast food places and convenience stores do not clean the machines that produce these drinks as often as they should (if ever) and so your drink may wind up being filled with mold.

Better option: make frozen fruit pops at home, freeze any fruit you like and enjoy!

Frozen And Premixed Cocktails

Frozen and premixed packaged cocktails are loaded with empty calories (on average 280 or more per drink, some have more than a donut)and include sugar, preservatives and high fructose corn syrup!

Better option: Add muddled strawberries and fresh lemon slices as your mixer or simply opt for club soda added to your favorite hard liquor with fresh limes or lemon.

Ginger Beer

Ginger beer is one of the unhealthiest beers on the market with more calories than your average soda at 170 calories for each 7-ounce serving.

Better option: light beer



Avoid The Market Shelves

There’s more bad news. Consider for a moment that most fresh whole foods require refrigeration or they spoil. This goes for dairy, produce, meats, and drinks.

So, what do you think is keeping all those drinks found on the shelves in your local market? Plenty of chemicals, most of which you can’t even pronounce. Not something, you really want to put into your body.

Check Labels

Be sure to read nutritional labels of any drinks you are choosing as you can quickly determine their sugar content, calorie counts, and nutritional value.
Also, look at the list of ingredients and be on alert for:

  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Trans fats (hydrogenated oil)
  • Sodium
  • Chemicals, additives and preservatives

Final Thoughts

Does any of the above surprise you about many of these beverages marketed to the public today? Perhaps they do, especially since some are advertised and marketed with kids and teens in mind.

What you drink matters as much as what you eat, and it’s really up to the consumer to take the time to read labels, investigate ingredients and nutritional data to make the best choices for the good health of you and your family.

Drink well and take care!

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/you-are-what-you-drink-part-6/

Thursday 26 July 2018

Gaining the Willpower to Lose Weight

You can lose the weight you have always wanted if you set your mind to it! Are you ready to take the necessary steps to achieve the body of you have always dreamed of?

The biggest obstacle you have to address is actually your self-discipline and willpower.

You may have fallen into a bad daily habit cycle. The cycle starts with eating a bad diet full of bad fats, simple carbs, and processed foods. It is these types of foods that make you feel tired and lazy continuously. Then, because your body has been sucked of the necessary energy you need to maintain an active lifestyle, you don’t feel much like working out.

So what’s the end game? You end up with no willpower whatsoever and you feel terrible and hopeless.

But there is hope! You can make the changes necessary if you truly want to lose those unwanted pounds, you first have to work on building the willpower to make it happen.

Here’s a list of things to consider when building up your willpower:

1. Don’t Wait For Something negative To Happen. Your willpower is inside of you and you don’t want something bad to happen in order to expose it.

  • We’ve all heard the stories about someone suffering a terrible trauma, such as a heart attack, and how that life event brings about a permanent change in their habits. You don’t a bad thing this to happen to you in order to get you motivated!

2. Pay Attention To Your Portion Size. This is one tip that can allow you to start small. It’s hard to work on your willpower if you’re trying to go from one extreme to another. Decide that you’re going to enjoy the same food tonight that you would normally eat – but give yourself a smaller portion size.

  • One trick is to use smaller plates so the plate visually appears full.

3. Give Yourself A Cheat Day. It’ll be an easier change for you if you allow yourself some time to adjust once in a while. Tell yourself that next Saturday you can enjoy that pizza for dinner or that ice cream for dessert. You’ll be less likely to toss in the towel knowing that you can eat some pizza next Saturday instead of “never.”

  • Your “cheat” day doesn’t mean “eat like a pig” day.
  • Enjoy the flavors of the food you eat, even if it means having a smaller piece than you’re used to. Once you’ve finished what is on your plate, your willpower needs to kick in and say “no more!”

4. Take Pictures of yourself. You can motivate yourself to lose weight by taking some self-portraits. We usually don’t have the best idea about how we truly look until we see ourselves in a photograph or even a mirror. Keep a picture with you and look at it when you feel like giving up.

  • Update your photo often and compare them as you start to drop the weight.

5. Make A Grocery List. Write down all the foods you enjoy eating, then decide whether or not these items are healthy or not. Chances are there are at least some healthy foods that you actually enjoy eating – such as fruits and vegetables. Make sure you start buying these foods for your home and eliminate the unhealthy choices.

6. Exercise Consistently. Adding exercise to your routine can also be a daunting task if you try to jump in too fast. Nobody is telling you that you need to join a gym and engage in rigorous workouts if that’s not your style. You’ll actually be surprised at how energized you can feel just by taking a 30-minute walk, three times a week. Just be consistent, and build on it.

7. Set Small Goals. No matter how you decide to approach your weight loss, it’s important to start with small goals and remain in good spirits. Doing too much, too fast will only set you up for failure. Instead, set small, manageable goals like one pound per week, or walking 3 times a week. By focusing on the smaller, more attainable goals, you’ll actually see results far more quickly.

In the end, remember to reward yourself for the positive results. After all, you deserve it! Once you have established the willpower to succeed at weight loss, you can succeed at anything in your life.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/gaining-the-willpower-to-lose-weight/

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Natural Weight Loss Strategies You Can Use Daily

How many different crazy or fad diets have you tried before? I think most of us know this isn’t the proper way to lose any of that extra weight, we still hope that this one is the quick fix we’ve been hoping for?

It’s time to stop watching and ordering diet plans from the infomercial-driven market and realize that the real secret diet plan is in natural methods of weight loss using nature’s own miracle foods.

By including natural foods and strategies, you’ll be able to lose the weight you have been trying to get rid of for good.

Here are some natural foods that will help you in your weight loss battle:

1. Choose brown rice over white rice.

Why brown rice? The answer is quite simple, it has more fiber. Brown rice is loaded with fiber. Due to the simple fact that the rice’s hull is kept intact during its processing, it retains its fiber content.

  • The natural fiber found in brown rice allows our bodily systems to run smoother and keeps us full for much longer than low fiber white rice.
  • Brown rice can be found in any grocery store, usually next to the white rice. Include some vegetables or herbs into the rice for extra flavor and variety.

2. Choose sweet potatoes over white potatoes.

They are slower digesting complex carbohydrates and Sweet potatoes are high in anti-oxidants and vitamins and are absolutely delicious as well.

  • They provide many more nutrients than a typical white potato, they’re low in calories and a great weight loss food choice.
  • Peel and cut sweet potatoes into chips or shoestring fries and roast in the oven for a tasty and colorful treat. You can microwave a single sweet potato quickly for a single serving, or bake them with the skin on.

3. Water is at the top of the list for a natural weight loss program.

It may sound pretty obvious, but the truth is, most of us don’t drink enough water every day. Not only does water flush out toxins and impurities, but it also helps in raising the metabolism, regulating body temperature and keeping our heart and brain healthy.

  • Be on the lookout though for the popular flavored waters that often add some kind of sugar, artificial sweetener, or even salt to the formula, making them less healthy than plain water. Stick to the natural stuff!

4. Legumes and beans.

The benefits that beans and legumes provide are absolutely outstanding! They’re low in fat and high in fiber, making them a great choice for weight loss. They’re also extremely heart-healthy.

  • You can find a wide variety of recipes online that incorporate legumes and beans into a healthy meal. Take some time to do a recipe search and your heart with thank you.

5. Fruit is an excellent addition to any natural weight loss regimen.

It provides natural energy to make exercising easier and it’s loaded with fiber to keep us full and curb cravings.

  • Fruit is best eaten raw to receive its full benefit, especially the fiber. Fruit juice just doesn’t provide the same nutritional value as eating an actual piece of fruit.
  • Fruit smoothies are an easy and healthy way to start your day. Even if you’re not a breakfast person, smoothies are easy to make and will satisfy your appetite. They are easy to take on the go. Plus if you use fresh fruits, you’ll retain the vitamin content.

6. Vegetables are one of the key building blocks to good nutrition, and essential to weight loss success.

High in vitamins and nutrients, veggies also provide us with energy to keep us going throughout the day. Plus, they have very little sodium, so they reduce bloating and water weight gain.

  • Try to incorporate veggies into your lunches and dinners every day, specifically shoot for dark orange and dark green vegetables like squash, spinach, pumpkin, and romaine lettuce. A simple side salad or lettuce and tomato on a sandwich is an easy way to get your vegetables.

7. Eat organic and raw.

It’s always the right choice when trying to lose weight naturally to eat only organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible. Organic produce is free of pesticides, preservatives, and free radicals. And raw foods retain all of their natural vitamins and minerals. By removing these dangerous chemicals from your body, weight loss can occur that much easier.

  • Visit your local farmer’s market and support your local farmer. They might also have a larger variety of organic produce than the grocery stores.

Following through with your decision to lose weight can sometimes seem overwhelming. But if you approach it with a few natural tips and tricks under your belt, you’ll be that much closer to weight loss success!

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/natural-weight-loss-strategies-you-can-use-daily/

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Squeeze in a Workout Before Work When Time is Tight

You know that a good workout is a perfect way to start your day, but it can be difficult sometimes to find 30-60 minutes for a quick workout in your busy schedule. Below are a few suggestions for how to make some time available in the morning, along with a few exercises that will make you look forward to getting out of bed in the morning.

Tips for Freeing Up Time in the Morning

Get a good nights sleep. If you wake up sleepy in the morning, you more than likely need to get a better nights rest. Try to maintain a consistent bedtime and be sure to turn off the electronics an hour before you sleep to allow your brain to relax. In the morning you’ll do everything faster and more efficiently when you feel fully alert.

Skip the two shower morning. No need to shower until after you exercise. Get up, splash a little cold water on your face, and get after it. You’ll waste less water and will avoid dry skin in the process.

Keep your look simple. Tell your hairdresser a low maintenance hairstyle is needed, that requires little daily maintenance. And reduce the number of beauty products you use.

Keep your workout gear organized. You’ll always know where your bicycle helmet is if you keep it by the front door. Keep your gym bag packed and in your car trunk so you’re always ready to go.

Put your clothes out the night before. So you don’t have a wardrobe decision in the morning. Get your outfit ready before you go to bed.

Eat during the commute or at work. It’s nice if you can sit down for breakfast but sometimes you need to eat on the go. Try a yogurt drink or a protein shake you can consume quickly in the car or at the office.

Seek out family support. It’s always easier to free up your time and make positive life changes when you have the assistance of your family. Ask your kids to take on more independence and complete more of the tasks needed for getting ready for school. It will also give them a better sense of responsibility.

Tips for Morning Workout Sessions

Trips to the gym. Become an early bird at your gym. There is often fewer people at that time and you can get your workout done quicker. The people who are there early also tend to be more committed, so it may give you some inspiration.

Try working out at home. Consider using your own treadmill, elliptical or recumbent exercise bike. You can stay fit without a gym membership. Try popping in a DVD of a recorded workout, or stream a live workout.

Cleaning your house will help you reduce your waistline while you take care of your house or do some yard work. Mopping the kitchen floor will help you burn around 200 calories and high-intensity activities like shoveling snow burn up more than 400 calories.

Join in on an exercise class. Scheduling a class will put you on a schedule and give you the incentive to be at the gym prompt and on time. Check the morning schedule at your local yoga studio. Community centers and local park programs often offer sport or fitness programs at little or no cost.

Train at work. Many companies are investing in employee wellness programs. Your boss may be happy to lend the conference room for a session of step aerobics before work.

Head out to a park. If you live or work in the city, you can still enjoy exercising outdoors. See what’s going on at your local park. There may be a running track, fitness stations or drop-in Tai Chi classes.

Dive into a pool. Public pools are another great venue in the early hours. Swimming gives you all the benefits of a full body workout while being easy on your joints. It’s a great option for people with arthritis or other conditions who need low impact routines.

Daily exercise can help you lead a longer, healthier, and more happy life. Put physical activity first on your morning schedule. You’ll feel more energetic all day long.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/squeeze-in-a-workout-before-work-when-time-is-tight/

12 Ways to Cope With a Crowded Gym

Does your workout suffer during busy seasons and rush hours at your local health club? Most gyms fill up during certain times of the year like just after the new year, when new members are trying to fulfill their New Year’s resolutions. After work is also a very busy time when daily commuters that work 9-5 are squeezing in a session before making the commute home for the evening.

If you enjoy a busy gym, and the social aspect that goes along with that, it’s all good. On the other hand, if you’re tired of waiting in line for an exercise machine or a pair of dumbbells, try these strategies for avoiding the crowds or learn to workout in a busy gym.

How to Avoid a Crowded Gym

The beautiful outdoors. Exercising outside gives you a chance to enjoy the scenery and soak up some natural sunlight. You will improve your energy level and it can keep you motivated. Plus, there are activities to match every season, like ice skating in winter or hiking and swimming in the warmer months.

Hanging out at home. Getting your workout in the comfort of your own home can be the easiest of all solutions. Install a home a gym or pick up a few pieces of simple equipment like a jump rope, an exercise ball or kettle bells. Hire a personal trainer or watch exercise videos if you need instructions.

Hit it hard on weekend mornings. Most gyms are very slow on early Saturday and Sunday mornings. Get out of bed early and check exercising off your to-do list before you begin your day.

Staying up late can be a better option for you night owls. Browse online to see if there’s a 24-hour gym in your neighborhood. As long as the physical activity before bedtime doesn’t interfere with your sleep, you may prefer lifting weights later at night.

Use vacation time wisely. If you have vacation days built up, use them to plan some fun activities. Instead of laying around on the beach, go hiking or on a mountain climbing trip. You’ll return home with new skills and you will feel reinvigorated.

Try flex time at work. If your boss agrees, you may be able to hit the gym while everyone else is stuck behind their desk. Ask about a flex-time schedule that allows you to work earlier in the morning and take a couple of hours off midday, and then return to finish up your workday. See if you can take a longer lunch hour as long as you make up the hours, or perhaps work fewer days, but longer hours on the days that you are there.

How to Deal with a Crowded Gym

Take a group class. Reserve your spot by signing up for Spin, Yoga or CrossFit. The music and camaraderie may help you to burn more calories with less effort.

Share the equipment. Weightlifters have a tradition of asking to work in. Partner up with someone so one of you uses the barbells or the abs machine while the other one rests between sets.

Reduce rest periods. Then again, you may want to cut out the downtime altogether. Instead of trying to find a bench to sit on until you’re ready for your next shoulder press, try a circuit workout that will target different body parts so you complete your workout faster, and you will burn more calories.

Increase the intensity. Another way to spend less time dealing with crowds is to increase the speed or amount of resistance. You can be out the door in half the time.

Try something new. Observe your surroundings or ask the gym instructors about which equipment seems less popular. You may find that you love the rowing machine that most members have been ignoring.

Be more flexible. Navigating a crowded gym usually comes down to thinking creatively. Be open to experimenting instead of sticking to a rigid routine.

You can have a great workout even when the gym is overcrowded. Or simply adjust your timing to avoid the crowds or plan a routine that keeps you moving when there is a short wait for the strength training equipment.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/12-ways-to-cope-with-a-crowded-gym/

Monday 23 July 2018

5 Benefits of Martial Arts

Are you looking for a great way to get in shape, but haven’t found a form of exercise that can keep your attention and motivated? Is every type of exercise you’ve tried boring and mundane? If so, martial arts may be right for you.

Believe it or not, martial arts can help you increase your quality of life in ways you might not have otherwise considered!

Here are 5 exciting ways martial arts can bring greater joy to your life

Build the body you desire

Exercise is the quickest way to improve the way you look and feel. Martial arts will increase your cardiovascular fitness, physical stamina, and flexibility. Your agility will also improve through the punching and kicking drills of martial arts.

With most forms of exercise, you spend the entire workout thinking about how long you have left until it’s completed. With an hour-long class, because of the involvement with your fellow students and instructor in martial arts, your training session is over before you know it. You hardly notice the time passing, but you’ll quickly notice the results in the mirror.

A martial arts class is a great way to tone your body and lose a few pounds. You’ll look forward to showing up for each class and you’ll enjoy the active lifestyle that leaves your mind and body feeling invigorated.

Learn self-defense

In addition to toning your body, martial arts teach you to defend yourself. You’ll be able to fend off an attacker should the need arise.

Even kids who are often picked on in school can learn to defend themselves against bullies with martial arts.

Increase your self-confidence

As your body becomes stronger, so will your self-image. As your skill and physical capabilities improve, you’ll begin to feel more confident. You’ll look forward to seeing the physical changes in the mirror each morning instead of dreading it, and meeting new people at your martial arts school will become an exciting adventure.

Also, as you learn new skills, your confidence in your ability to think through challenging situations and solve problems will increase. Tasks that you once thought were impossible will seem within reach. You’ll be more confident to try new things and expect success.

Strengthen your mental focus

Every martial arts discipline emphasizes mental focus. In addition to learning physical skills and techniques, you’ll also learn to clear your mind and focus on the task at hand. This mental focus will benefit you in every area of your life.

Instead of being scattered and unable to concentrate, you’ll discover within yourself a peace and focus that you never knew was possible.

Relieve your stress

Martial arts provide a tremendous outlet for frustration and stress. Besides releasing pent-up stress, when you’re focused on learning the skills and techniques in a class, you’ll keep your mind off of the stresses of family life or the day to day challenges of your job.

The heart-pumping exercise, sparring matches, and mental distractions provided by martial arts is a perfect combination for anyone seeking an exciting way to get in shape. If you’ve tried other forms of exercise without success, give martial arts a try. You’ll be glad you did!

Healthy4LifeOnline advocates fitness of all types. We offer the best reviewed boxing gloves and accessories to aid in your fitness journey.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/5-benefits-of-martial-arts/

Give Your Exercise Routine a Spring Cleaning

Every once in a while it is time to Spring clean your exercise routine to rid yourself of the winter blues and get a jump on the upcoming swimsuit season.

Should you jump on a treadmill? Start lifting weights? Join a spin class? Zumba? So many options. Here are some tips for getting ready to work out this spring and for keeping yourself motivated.

Preparing For Your Spring Exercise Routine

First off, it is a great idea to pay your doctor a visit. If you haven’t been active for a while, a checkup with your doctor will give you the okay to begin an exercise program. This is especially important if you’re over 50 or have serious health conditions. There are effective exercises for almost every fitness level so it’s worth taking precautions to keep safe.

This is a good time to Set goals. Formulating clear and realistic goals is a great way to keep yourself motivated. It will also give you a baseline for keeping track of your progress. You may want to lose weight or work your way up to completing a marathon.

A good start is selecting a good pair of shoes. Athletic shoes are one of the most important pieces of exercise attire you can have. Buy shoes that are appropriate for your current activity, whether it’s golf, basketball or running. Replace them as often as needed when they show wear and tear, which is usually every 4-6 months if you run regularly.

Get your equipment organized. You can get a great workout without overspending on good equipment, but you may want to invest in some pieces that will allow to you exercise at home. You could invest in your own recumbent or treadmill, or buy an exercise ball. If you prefer to use free weights, you can do strength training at home even if your space is limited.

Designing Your Spring Exercise Program

Outline a balanced exercise program. A well-rounded workout routine usually includes a mixture of cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training. Give yourself a little time to warm up at the start of each session and to cool down when you are finished.

Don’t jump in and start overworking yourself. Work up gradually, and focus on the quality of your efforts. When you’ve mastered good form with some basic exercises, you can increase the length and intensity of your workouts. A sensible approach will help you to avoid injury and remain positive about your progress.

Choose activities that fit with your schedule. For optimum results, you’ll need to work out about 30-60 minutes a day with enough days off for rest and recovery. Organize workouts that fit into your work or leisure time schedule whether it’s before or after work or even fit them into family time and enjoy exercise together.

Sticking to Your Spring Exercise Program

Keep it from getting boring with variety. Keep your workouts interesting by changing up your routines regularly. You could alternate between swimming and playing basketball. Enjoy the convenience of your treadmill on workdays and go running in the park when you have more time on weekend mornings.

Try something new. Rejuvenate your spirits by taking on a new challenge. Sign up for rock climbing classes or dance lessons. Buy a new exercise video or browse through the selection at your local library. Netflix has exercise videos on demand for you to watch instantly.

Put yourself in good company. Get an exercise buddy so you can support each other in pursuing your fitness goals. Sign up for mother and baby exercise classes at your local community center and make some new friends.

Reward yourself. Reward yourself with anything but fattening foods for sticking to your exercise regimen. Buy a new pair of jeans in a smaller size or sample a healthy new snack that you’ve never tasted before.

Have fun. Exercise is a lot easier if you keep it fun and enjoyable. Pick the activities that you have a passion for, and give yourself a reasonable time off when you need it.

Designing a spring exercise routine that works for you will help you look and feel better, and become more fit. Allow the change of seasons to renew your fitness commitment. You can have fun while you improve the way you look and feel.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/give-your-exercise-routine-a-spring-cleaning/

Friday 20 July 2018

Decrease Your Risk of Cancer by Cutting These 10 Foods – Part 2

Read Part 1 of this Post

Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods to Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half (continued)

White Flour
When flour is refined, all nutritional value is removed. Then it’s bleached with chlorine gas to make it more appealing to consumers. The glycemic index for white flour is very high – meaning it spikes your insulin levels without providing nutritional fuel. Carbohydrates are converted to sugars by your body, so excessive products that contain white flour can lead to increased insulin resistance. Simple sugars (like refined carbohydrates) are the preferred fuel source for cancer.

Farmed Fish
Commercial fish farming involves raising an incredible number of fish (such as salmon), in a crowded environment. More than 60% of the salmon consumed in the United States comes from a farming operation where they are treated with antibiotics, pesticides, and other carcinogenic chemicals to try and control the bacterial, viral, and parasitic outbreaks that result from cramming so many fish in a small space. Farmed fish also don’t have as much omega-3 as wild salmon.

Hydrogenated Oils
Vegetable oils are chemically extracted from their source, chemically treated, and more chemicals are added to change the smell and taste. They’re packed with unhealthy omega-6 fats (that Americans already consume way too much of) and have been proven to alter the structure of our cell membranes.

4 Steps to Help Prevent Cancer

In addition to the 10 foods listed above, also be sure to avoid any food labeled as “diet,” “light,” or “fat-free.” In order to remove fat or natural calories, they are replaced with chemicals that are dangerous to your body.

Instead of consuming food products that manufacturers claim is “good for you” – follow these four anti-cancer diet tips to prevent cancer the easy way:

  • Eat organic whenever possible.
  • Choose raw or clean frozen if availability of fresh product isn’t good in your area.
  • Fill half your plate each meal with non-starchy vegetables.
  • If you eat animal products, make sure they’re pastured and grass-fed meats and dairy goods (including eggs).
  • Use only high quality oils such as coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, or grass-fed butter.
  • Cut back drastically on grains and sugars.

Not only will eliminating these foods lower your cancer risk, you’re going to feel (and look) better from the inside out. Now that you know what the top cancer causing foods are, what are you going to do about their presence in your kitchen and your daily eating plan?

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/decrease-your-risk-of-cancer-by-cutting-these-10-foods-part-2/

Decrease Your Risk of Cancer by Cutting These 10 Foods – Part 1

Cases of cancer are expected to skyrocket over the next 20 years by 70 percent. In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported more than 14 million new cases of cancer… which resulted in 8.2 million deaths worldwide.

It’s up to us to avoid the harmful kinds and to choose cancer-fighting foods.   It’s more common when cancerous tumors manifest after years of specific habits. Good examples of this are smoking, exposure to radiation (like cell phones), and overexposure to ultraviolet rays, which result in lung cancer, brain cancer, and skin cancer, respectively.

Experts estimate that more than half the cases of cancer are preventable with lifestyle changes. Several of the most common and aggressive cancers are associated with your gastrointestinal system.

One extremely important way to prevent and/or treat cancer is nutritionally, through eating a nutrient-dense diet full of cancer-fighting foods and avoiding things that are known to increase cancer risk.

That makes it a major area of your daily life that dramatically affects your prevention – and ultimately your survival – of cancer. The food and beverages you consume, the fuel your body uses to fight disease, is critical to your overall wellbeing.

Some foods are worse for you than others and are increasing your risk of many conditions and diseases. While cancer is one of the worst, regularly eating the cancer causing foods in our top ten list can also lead to heart disease, diabetes, chronic inflammation, and so much more.

What Causes Cancer?

Understanding possible causes of cancer comes down to understanding the causes of gene and DNA mutations. Chemicals (like carcinogens), radiation, obesity, hormones, chronic inflammation, smoking, viruses, and a number of other factors have been found to be cancer causing.

In an interview with Bob Wright from the American Anti-Cancer Institute for my The Quest For The Cures docu-series, I asked him what causes cancer in cells. His reply was that “Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation. You can explode that out to many different types of chemicals whether it’s what you put in your body, what you breath, what you eat, radiation from all sources − women from mammograms, from CT scans, from your cell phones, your cell towers, your Wi-Fi. Cancer is caused by chemicals and radiation, period.”

If Bob is correct that the primary causes for cancer are chemicals and radiation, then both of these factors can be greatly reduced through the food and lifestyle choices that you make.

Cancer Causing Foods

Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods to Cut Your Cancer Risk in Half

Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs)
The rapidly growing industry of genetically modified crops are infiltrating our food supply at an alarming rate. More than 90% of our corn and soy are now genetically modified. This fairly new practice is the source of many debates. Experts agree that adequate testing was not done before GMO foods were added to the ingredient listing of thousands of products. In other words, no one – including the growers and manufacturers of GMO foods – knows the long-term effect they will have on human health. Look for GMO-free labels whenever possible or buy organic (which always means a product is not genetically modified).

Microwave Popcorn
From the chemically-lined bag to the actual contents, microwave popcorn is at the center of lung cancer debates around the world. Not only are the kernels and oil likely GMO (which the manufacturer does not have to disclose) unless organic, the fumes released from artificial butter flavoring contain diacetyl, which is toxic to humans. Make your own organic popcorn the old-fashioned way – it tastes better, doesn’t release toxic fumes, and is a healthier choice for you.

Canned Goods
Most cans are lined with a product called bisphenol-A (BPA), which has been shown to genetically alter the brain cells of rats. Many plastic goods, thermal paper, water lines, and many dental composites also contain BPA. Help protect your DNA by sticking to fresh or frozen vegetables that have no added ingredients for your family’s table! These are better for you and available year-round.
Grilled Red Meat: While grilled food can taste delicious, scientists have discovered that preparing meats in this way – especially processed meats like hot dogs – releases a carcinogen called heterocyclic aromatic amines. When you grill red meat to the point of well-done, it changes the chemical and molecular structure of the meat. You’re better off baking, broiling, or preparing meat in a skillet than on the grill.
Refined Sugar: The biggest cancer causing food (by far) is high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and other refined sugars. Even brown sugar is highly refined white sugar with some of the removed molasses added back in for flavor and color. Refined sugars (and foods made with them) are the source of major insulin spikes and feed the growth of cancer cells. Since the majority of the sugar supply in the U.S. is made using genetically modified (GMO) sugar beets, a healthier option is organic honey, coconut sugar, or maple sugar. Now that oncologists are using diabetes medication to fight cancer cells, there’s no doubt (finally) that those mutated cancer cells love sugar.

Salted, Pickled, and Smoked Foods
These products typically contain preservatives, such as nitrates, which are intended to prolong shelf life. The additives used in processed foods can accumulate in your body over time. Eventually, such toxins cause damage at the cellular level and lead to diseases like cancer. When smoked foods are cooked at high temperatures, the nitrates are converted to the much more dangerous nitrites. (Note: By pickled foods we don’t mean the fermented foods you make at home.)

Soda and Carbonated Beverages
Sodas have been at the center of the health debate for two decades as a major cancer causing food. Filled with high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dyes, and a host of other chemicals, they are very bad for every aspect of your health. They provide zero nutritional value and rob your body of the nutrients you get from other foods. Adding “diet” to the label means you’re also likely consuming aspartame – which is no better than rat poison to human cells.

Read Part 2 of this Post to see More Food Items…


source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/decrease-your-risk-of-cancer-by-cutting-these-10-foods-part-1/

5 Body Image Tips from Fitness Experts

Fitness experts see several different body image issues with their clients, in their group classes, and their clubs each day. They have learned very important lessons about how people see or perceive their own bodies and the bodies of other patrons or classmates.

The way you view your own body is important for your overall health and fitness.

Use these tips to develop a positive body image and gain the advantage of stronger mental and physical health:

It is important to understand why body image matters. How do you feel after you look in the mirror? Do you love your body, or are you constantly searching for new flaws?

It’s easy to become caught up with external appearances. Do you see every little flaw and feel imperfect? Do you worry about how others see you? Your mind will form your opinion of your body image and the body image of others.

Body image issues are tied to self-esteem and confidence. They’re also part of overall emotional health, so unhealthy opinions can have a detrimental and negative impact on your life.

Challenge stereotypes

Fitness experts see a huge variety of body shapes and sizes. The human body is not restricted to a specific type or look. Everyone is quite different. Not everyone is the same height or weight. Understanding that everyone is different and knowing that variety will help you to challenge stereotypes related to body image.

It’s important to understand that just one body type isn’t the correct way to get through life. There is no ideal weight, height, or shape on the planet. We have all been created in a variety of shapes and sizes for a reason. Diversity makes things more interesting and fun.

It’s important to understand that exercise training doesn’t produce the same results in each person

One person may drop some weight faster others, and another may not gain as much muscle or gain muscle slower.

The stereotype of a skinny runway model or a muscular man has to change. Fitness experts recommend avoiding these stereotypes and focusing on improving your own body based on your shape. What do you think is your ideal shape? Start slowly, maybe the gym isn’t for you. Buy some fitness equipment for the home and start there. Build strength and build confidence. However, the majority of the people at the gym are absorbed in their workouts and will not be watching you. We all had to start.

Find positive role models

A good role model can provide the support you need and help guide you to better health.

Your fitness instructor would certainly make a good role model, but there are also other options. It could be a friend that has been working out regularly for a while, or who has been a great athlete.

Positive role models don’t have to be magazine cover models, TV celebrities, or the fittest person in the gym. They can be normal people who stay in shape and love their bodies. They don’t have to be triathletes to inspire you.

A positive role model can help you to see how a good body image can help make your life much better.

Focus on healthy eating

A negative body image can lead to eating disorders and other concerns. Fitness experts report seeing these issues often in the gym or in their group classes.

Obsessive calorie counting and worrying can be a serious issue. In addition, they see punishments for messing up a diet or eating something sweet. All of these issues are linked to a poor body image.

With healthy eating, flexibility is at the heart of the meal plans.

Experts recommend consulting dieticians and nutritionists to work on eating disorders.

It’s important to allow yourself to have a cheat meal or cheat foods, so your body isn’t constantly going through periods of craving certain foods. Eating these items in moderation can help you stick to a healthy diet.

Don’t be judgmental of others

The judgment you pass on others often transfers to yourself.

Instead of criticizing others, focus on positive aspects of their body. This will help you see positive points in your own body image.

A positive body image is important to overall physical and mental health. If your body image is suffering, then consider these tips I have mentioned here from the fitness and nutrition experts.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/5-body-image-tips-from-fitness-experts/

Discover the Power Of Keeping A Food Journal

Could you imagine a free weight loss tool that greatly increases your chances of losing the pounds you have been wanting to lose for a while? That’s the impact a food journal can have on your wellness plan. Researchers at Kaiser Permanente studied participants in a weight-loss program and found that the subjects who kept a daily food journal and documenting all they ate lost twice as much weight as those who chose not to keep track.

Now keeping a journal does require some extra effort. See how these suggestions can help you stay focused and on track.

Benefits of Keeping a Food Journal

By documenting what you eat throughout the day your awareness of what you are eating will increase significantly. A food journal puts an end to random snacking.

Your journal will help you resist temptation. By knowing that you’ll need to write down those croutons on your salad or that extra slice of pie after dinner may be all you need to put the brakes on eating that second or third piece. Making sensible food choices that are nutritious becomes automatic.

Your journal will help you increase your nutrition knowledge. Your journal is a great educational tool. You’ll learn about the macronutrients, protein, carbohydrates, and fats in all your favorite foods so you will easily be able to calculate your dietary needs by memory and be able to jot them down quickly. This will also help with calorie counts, fiber intake, portion sizes, and even new recipes. In fact, MyFitness Pal, a popular weight loss app, claims that their users who log recipes lose 40% more weight.

Focus on your efforts. Once you spot your triggers, you can make the changes necessary. You’ll notice that certain times of day is when you crave something sweet or your tendency to overeat will be easily recognized.

Your journal will help you to eat a healthy diet. Remember that your food journal can help you do more than take off those unwanted pounds. You can pinpoint allergies, keep track of your blood sugar, or do just about anything that involves your diet, the food you eat and your overall well being.

How to Keep a Food Journal

The easiest way to keep your journal is by documenting your meals immediately. Writing your meals and snacks down as you are preparing them, or shortly after eating is ideal. You’re less likely to forget important details.

Just try to be consistent with your journal. It is important to make your journal entries daily if possible. If you do slip up at times, get back on track as soon as you can. The more dietary data you collect, the more valuable your journal will be to your weight loss efforts. If the time commitment seems unmanageable, remember that you’ll get used to it and it will become like second nature.

Tell the truth

Be honest with yourself, even if your lunch consisted entirely of French fries. Keeping the entries for your eyes only will at least allow you to be honest with yourself, and allow you to make the necessary changes.

Be very specific. Details matter. Notate each ingredient in your sandwich. Notice how much cream or sugar you’re adding to your coffee. Pay attention to the calories you drink whether you indulge in pumpkin lattes or margaritas.

Look at the big picture. Your diary can encompass more than food and beverages. Write about your emotions and how they affect your eating. Include information about other relevant factors such as exercise, sleep, and health conditions.

Choose your format. Buy a pretty blank book or use an online template. Maybe you want something that’s easy to tote around or perhaps you prefer to keep it on your nightstand.

Take pictures. Photos make your journal more fun and productive. Include before and after shots of your shrinking waistline. Use images to help you remember and recreate your favorite slimmed-down dishes.

Be sure to review your journal frequently. Reviewing your diary will help you evaluate your progress and make healthy changes. Looking back gives you a chance to reflect and gather any information you want to share with your doctor or other professionals. You can also use your diary to chart your future as you think about the next milestone you want to reach.

Keeping track of what you eat is a very effective way to lose weight and keep track of your dietary habits. Just try to be consistent and accurate about food journaling, and don’t allow an occasional slip to stand in the way of your eating healthier and looking slimmer.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/discover-the-power-of-keeping-a-food-journal/

Thursday 19 July 2018

Introduction to Strength Training for Weight-Lifting Novices

So you’ve spent the last week admiring the muscle development of other people in the gym. You’ve made comparisons to their muscle tone and to your own. You soon realize that your muscles aren’t nearly as developed or impressive!

All this time in the gym over the last few months have unfortunately not produced the muscle tone you came to expect. As a result, you haven’t been able to achieve the muscle strength you were expecting. So, what do you need to do now to get the desired results you are seeking?

As a weight-lifting novice, this is may be exactly the information you are looking for. As you read on, you’ll realize that you’re much closer to the muscle strength that you were expecting than you think!

Consider these tips when weight training

Reps over weights is a good place to start. You may be impressed by the amount of weight others in the gym can lift. But try not to be discouraged if you can’t lift those kinds of weights just yet. You can definitely achieve muscle definition by doing more reps with lighter weights.

Heavier weights with fewer reps can build muscle size quickly. But if you’re more interested in muscle definition, go for lighter weights with more repetitions. This way, you will achieve better muscle conditioning.

From the beginning, free weights and more specifically dumbbells may work better for you than weight machines. Another thing to note is working with body resistance as opposed to machine resistance will limit your exposure to injury.

Your dietary habits are a big part of strength training success. Eating a healthy diet can make a big difference in your overall weight training success and your appearance. The correct combination of exercise and diet will help you achieve your goals much faster.

The amount of protein intake is very important for muscle building. Before and after working out, keep your protein intake adequate.

If you’re lifting weights, good carbohydrates are also important. They will help to provide the fuel you need to keep you going. The longer you stay consistent with your training and diet, the sooner you can expect to see results.

Core strengthening. Building a strong core is important to developing overall body strength. When you have a strong core, you’re much better equipped to keep your weight-training consistent. You’ll get good back support and stay injury free. A few good core strengthening exercises include:

Planks are highly effective core strengthening exercises. Using different variations help to strengthen the abs, lower back, shoulders, and other muscle groups.

Plyo Balance ball routines are also effective for overall core strengthening support. The abdominals are an important part of your core and you can get a highly effective workout using the balance ball.

Pushups will have a similar effect to planks but will work more of your upper body strength. To begin building strength this way makes working with weights much easier.

Oblique twists, which work the transverse abdominis, target the muscle group located under the obliques and wrap around your spine for protection and stability.

Building endurance. If you want to develop strength, stick to a plan to build up your endurance. Endurance training is important for every weight training routine. You can build endurance with any or all of the following workouts:

Walking is by far the easiest endurance exercise. Start out with 10 minutes, then gradually increase the time, speed, or even incline of your steps. Walking will get your heart rate up, and can cause you to feel winded. By working through that feeling and continuing the routine, you’ll eventually eliminate that winded feeling.

Aerobic exercises help to build endurance and muscle strength at the same time. Spinning, for example, provides a great leg strengthening workout while working on your aerobic conditioning.

Swimming and playing racket sports like tennis or squash also require a high amount of energy. Building your endurance from routinely participating in these types of activities and other high energy sports is very effective.

Making these changes in your workout regimen will certainly help you achieve better muscle strength and definition sooner than you think! Get started today!

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/introduction-to-strength-training-for-weight-lifting-novices/

Keeping Your Energy High While You Lose Weight

Being on a diet can zap your energy while your body adjusts to eating less. You fall behind at work because you’re dragging yourself around. You order a bacon cheeseburger instead of a salad as your patience shrinks and frustrations build up.

Hang in there. Shedding fat and excess pounds will ultimately put more zip in your step. Meanwhile, try these suggestions for beating fatigue while you cut back on calories.

Change the Way You Eat

Make some time for a good healthy breakfast. Refuel in the morning with a breakfast consisting of eggs or yogurt with fruit. You’ll be more productive, have more energy and less likely to overeat or snack later in the day.

Eat mini-meals. Divide your daily calories up into five or six small meals and snacks. You’ll keep your blood sugar stable and avoid low energy periods from hunger.

Whenever you eat, choose foods high in complex carbohydrates. Most vegetables are rich in fiber. They give you staying power because your body digests them slowly. Eat them with lean proteins and healthy fats for a balanced diet.

Keep caffeine and alcohol intake to a minimum. A cup or two of coffee in the morning to get you going is fine, but too much late in the day can cause jitters and keep you up at night. Alcohol also disrupts sleep, so drink plain water close to bedtime. As a bonus, staying hydrated thins your blood and speeds up circulation, giving you extra energy.

Losing weight gradually beats super strict diets. Drastically cutting calories can slow your metabolism and cause nutritional deficiencies. Estimate your individual calorie needs with online calculators available at many reputable websites and make your diet plan accordingly.

Make Other Lifestyle Changes

Quality sleep is important. Losing sleep is the most obvious issue when you’re feeling tired. Try to go to bed and rise at about the same time each day, especially when you’re eating less.

Take a walk. Moderate exercise curbs hunger and lifts your spirits. Sign up for an exercise class or group dancing. Incorporate more activity into your day by stretching and climbing stairs, or simply walk on a treadmill if the weather outside is not ideal.

Breathe deeply. Skillful breathing recharges your body and mind. Draw air in slowly and deeply through your nostrils allowing your diaphragm to rise. Spend an equal amount of time gently exhaling.

Manage stress. Losing weight may seem overwhelming if you’re already juggling multiple projects. Dissolve tension with yoga or a warm bath instead of comfort foods.

Listening to music is another stress buster that helps you get through housecleaning and paperwork when you’re starting to slump. Turn up the radio at home and wear earbuds at the office.

Clear away clutter. Is your bedroom overflowing with books you don’t read and clothes you don’t wear? Making your environment more spacious and organized will help you sleep better.

Inhale invigorating scents. Treat the doldrums with aromatherapy. Rosemary, peppermint, and jasmine are refreshing choices.

Take a break. Adults need recess too. Accomplish more with less effort by enjoying frequent breaks. Most adults find it difficult to concentrate for more than about an hour, so the quality of your work may be enhanced while you feel more peaceful and resilient.

Talk to your doctor. If you need additional assistance, ask your doctor about underlying conditions that can cause chronic fatigue that sabotages your diet. Effective treatments are available for common issues like low thyroid functioning or anemia.

You can feel strong and alert while you stick to your weight loss plans. Boost your energy with healthy eating choices and other simple habits. Soon, you’ll be lighter and livelier!


source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/keeping-your-energy-high-while-you-lose-weight/

Top 10 Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar – Part 2

Read Part 1 of this Post


Insulin drives glucose into cells from the bloodstream. Elevated blood glucose is toxic, so when excessive amounts of glucose cannot be used properly the pancreas begins to secrete more and more insulin in order to remove it from the bloodstream, leading the body to become insulin resistant. When the body becomes resistant to insulin, the pancreas stops doing its job properly, which is a contributing factor of type II diabetes, which now afflicts about 300 million people worldwide. Insulin also has another important function. It signals the body to store fat, which leads to obesity. Sugar causes weight gain via various mechanisms, including elevated insulin and leptin resistance


Sugar can attach to proteins in the bloodstream, resulting in AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products) that damage collagen and elastin production, which are responsible for maintaining skin’s elasticity.


Consuming sugar leads to a spike in both blood sugar and feel-good serotonin levels in the brain. When the sugar withdraws from our system, we experience a “crash” creating a cycle of craving and bingeing in both our bodies and our minds. This is not fun for anyone.


Refined sugars enter the bloodstream quickly, producing rapid fluctuations in blood glucose levels that trigger adrenaline and make children more active. Consider more kid friendly gluten free snacks to help avoid this.


Most of the fat generated in the liver gets shipped out as Very Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) particles. High sugar consumption lowers levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol that helps remove VLDL or “bad” cholesterol from the artery walls and has been shown to increase levels of the small, dense LDL and oxidized LDL, which are very bad. This type of fat found in the blood poses an increased risk for heart disease and metabolic syndrome- which is a stepping stone towards obesity, heart disease, diabetes and a shorter lifetime with poor health.


Sugar is empty calories. Consuming a large part of calories as fructose can lead to serious adverse effects on blood markers in as little as 10 weeks. People who eat them instead of other more nutritious foods will probably become deficient in many important nutrients. No doubt about that cutting out refined sugar may be difficult at first, but within a matter of time you’ll begin to experience the positive effects it will have on your mind, body, and overall well-being.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/top-10-reasons-to-stop-eating-sugar-2/

Top 10 Reasons to Stop Eating Sugar – Part 1

Excess sugar consumption has been associated with many Western diseases. Added sugar is so harmful that it’s probably the single worst ingredient in the modern diet. Refined sugar was nearly nonexistent in the human meal plan until recent times. Today, the over-consumption of sugar is the number one cause of the American obesity plague. While the USDA recommends only 8 teaspoons (32 grams) of added sugar per day, the average American eats approximately 53 teaspoons (212 grams). The majority of processed foods are jam-packed with it. What’s disturbing is that it lurks in even the most unsuspecting places – breads, sauces, spices, salad dressings, even frozen fruit! With 56 names for refined sugar ingredients (including High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup or Corn Syrup Solids, Sucrose and Fructose) manufacturers cleverly disguise this toxic substance throughout ingredients lists to make our food taste good.

Sugar contributes to a whole host of negative health effects – and we’re not just talking about tooth decay here, but sickness, disease, and even cancer. Cutting sugar from your diet can prevent these adverse effects, contributing not only a smaller waistline but a longer, better quality of life.

Please note: Artificial sweeteners, while not made from sugar, should also be avoided at all costs. These sweeteners are made from chemicals, with absolutely no nutrition, and a handful of harmful side effects of their own. It should be noted that natural sugar found in fruit does not have any of the negative effects of refined sugar. If you would like to add a bit of sweet to your food, we recommend Stevia, a natural plant extract that has no calories, is sweeter than sugar and has no adverse effects on blood sugar levels. We have actually chosen to add a dash of this natural sweetener to some of the juices in our juice cleanses for this reason!

Here are the top 10 reasons you should avoid refined sugar


Like drugs, sugar stimulates the release of dopamine, a “feel-good” chemical in the brain. As we consume sugar, our bodies create more dopamine receptors that lead us to crave more sugar, resulting in a vicious cycle of sugar consumption.


By lowering the efficiency of white blood cells for hours at a time after consumption, sugar compromises the immune system and hinders our ability to fight disease and infection.


Most products with added sugars in them contain very little nutrients and can, therefore, be classified as empty calories. Besides being empty calories with no value in nutrition, sugar actually robs your body of essential minerals. Sugar causes essential minerals like sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium to be leached from the body. This can weaken the teeth and bones, causing tooth decay and diseases like osteoporosis.


There is an old saying: “Cancer loves sugar.” Consuming too much sugar causes our bodies to produce excessive amounts of insulin, which encourages the growth of cells – a good thing for healthy cells, but not cancerous cells. Excessive sugar intake has been linked to increased risk for breast, colon, pancreatic, colorectal, and endometrial cancer.


A major reason added sugar, especially High Fructose Corn Syrup, is bad for you is that it supplies a large amount of fructose. Refined sugar is half glucose and half fructose. The liver is the only organ that can metabolize fructose. When too much fructose enters the liver, it gets turned into fat that can build up over time and ultimately lead to disease. This process is probably one of the leading causes of the epidemics of many chronic, Western diseases. When we eat a lot of fructose, many things in the body start to go wrong. Eating a lot of added sugar can cause deposition of fat in the liver and lead to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

Read Part 2 of this Post

Read Part 1 of this Post


Insulin drives glucose into cells from the bloodstream. Elevated blood glucose is toxic, so when excessive amounts of glucose cannot be used properly the pancreas begins to secrete more and more insulin in order to remove it from the bloodstream, leading the body to become insulin resistant. When the body becomes resistant to insulin, the pancreas stops doing its job properly, which is a contributing factor of type II diabetes, which now afflicts about 300 million people worldwide. Insulin also has another important function. It signals the body to store fat, which leads to obesity. Sugar causes weight gain via various mechanisms, including elevated insulin and leptin resistance


Sugar can attach to proteins in the bloodstream, resulting in AGEs (Advanced Glycation End Products) that damage collagen and elastin production, which are responsible for maintaining skin’s elasticity.


Consuming sugar leads to a spike in both blood sugar and feel-good serotonin levels in the brain. When the sugar withdraws from our system, we experience a “crash” creating a cycle of craving and bingeing in both our bodies and our minds. This is not fun for anyone.


Refined sugars enter the bloodstream quickly, producing rapid fluctuations in blood glucose levels that trigger adrenaline and make children more active. Consider more kid friendly gluten free snacks to help avoid this.


Most of the fat generated in the liver gets shipped out as Very Low-Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) particles. High sugar consumption lowers levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol that helps remove VLDL or “bad” cholesterol from the artery walls and has been shown to increase levels of the small, dense LDL and oxidized LDL, which are very bad. This type of fat found in the blood poses an increased risk for heart disease and metabolic syndrome- which is a stepping stone towards obesity, heart disease, diabetes and a shorter lifetime with poor health.


Sugar is empty calories. Consuming a large part of calories as fructose can lead to serious adverse effects on blood markers in as little as 10 weeks. People who eat them instead of other more nutritious foods will probably become deficient in many important nutrients. No doubt about that cutting out refined sugar may be difficult at first, but within a matter of time you’ll begin to experience the positive effects it will have on your mind, body, and overall well-being.

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/top-10-reasons-to-stop-eating-sugar-part-1/

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Top 10 Fitness Tips for Beginners – Part 2

Read Part 1 of this Post

Another important factor is what you eat during your new found fitness regimen. To maximize your new fitness program, you will see much better results if you also make a change to your eating plan. Do not overindulge with your meals. Eat sensibly and don’t overdo it. If you aren’t sure what you should eat, consult with a nutrition expert or your doctor to work out a balanced nutrition plan that works best for you.

Find a fitness partner. It is always easier to show up at the gym if someone is counting on you to be there. It also makes it more fun to have a partner to talk to and share in your new fitness experience. It’s not easy to be motivated every day, but knowing someone is counting on your to be there makes it easier.

Look to a personal trainer if you have no experience. It may be in your best interest to hire a personal trainer to show you around the gym. This will allow you to learn effective techniques and have a custom built fitness program designed just for you.

Don’t complicate this process. You don’t need to do lots of exercises once you show up at the gym. Just a few each time focusing on different body parts is all you need.

Make it fun. If you like tennis? Find a tennis partner. Just make sure you find a form of exercise that you enjoy. Unless you’re training for a bodybuilding contest, there are many different choices of exercise that can work for you to help increase your fitness.

Make sure you diversify your workout. Flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and strength are all important, especially as you get older. If all you do is lift weights, your flexibility and cardio will suffer. Be sure you work on all 3 aspects of fitness.

Focus on the progress you are making. Just a little bit of progress day to day and week to week can keep you motivated. Enjoy the fact that beginners make great progress once they begin a consistent schedule of exercise and diet!


source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/top-10-fitness-tips-for-beginners-2/

Top 10 Fitness Tips for Beginners – Part 1

Getting started with fitness is definitely the most difficult part of the journey. If you’ve been stagnant for a period of time in your life, it’s difficult to start a fitness routine. The health club can be a scary place if you aren’t familiar with the surroundings. So where do you start if you haven’t lifted a weight or walked more than the distance from your bed to your refrigerator at home?

Joining a gym is not of utmost importance. A pair of walking shoes and a set of exercise bands are enough to get started. Get some expert advice for an effective plan. Take your time, have fun and enjoy the wonderful journey to living healthy and fit. Here’s some good advice to get you going.

Get started with a new workout routine

Begin by taking your time. Your fitness level during your high school years is still fresh in your mind. You could lift weights, do had lots of flexibility, run around forever, and still have lots of energy left over. However, you’re not 16 anymore.

Begin with an exercise routine that works for you and your current physical fitness condition. Doing to much to soon will cause you to hurt yourself quickly and then you will never get into shape.

Challenge yourself, but don’t overdo it. A good workout will challenge your body just enough and allow it time to adapt without injury, so you aren’t in recovery mode for a week with soreness or injury.

Here is the good news: you don’t need to do a lot when beginning a new fitness routine to see some real results, especially if you have been moving between your desk and recliner. Even a short walk on the treadmill or around the block will provide plenty of benefit to your physical well being. If you haven’t done a push-up or sit up in 10 years, start by doing 10 of each and you will feel the benefits immediately.

You can still have fun with fitness even as a beginner. You can get good results from a 20-30 minute workout of easy to moderate exercise.

It’s all about working out on a regular basis and being consistent. So take it slow and easy as a daily workout will do more for your fitness than one very difficult workout each week. Focus on a consistent effort, but most important is to make it to the gym on a regular basis.

Read Part 2 of this Post

source https://www.healthy4lifeonline.com/top-10-fitness-tips-for-beginners/