Monday 12 February 2018

Informing Your Partner Who The Man Is

It doesn’t matter if you are in a straight or gay relationship, there’s always the gender role that makes one partner act as the man in the relationship. For heterosexual partnerships, that role is unmistakably clear, although there are role reversals that allow a woman to wear a dildo belt and penetrate the man from behind. But that’s more in the fetish department. Among gays, there’s always one who will act the part and do the anal penetration to his partner with his erect tool.

The key to any of these relationships at the physical level is the erect penis. Now, it becomes problematic to a large extent if the male gender role in a heterosexual or gay relationship can’t get the natural penis up long enough to matter. For men who couldn’t get it up, it’s time to do something about his male enhancement problem.

Understanding the Problem:
Erectile dysfunction is the medical term of male impotence and can have physiological, mental and emotional roots. The immediate cause is physiological. Any disruption in the arousal process starting with the stimulus to the brain though penile manipulation, the relaxation, and engorgement of the corpora nervosa and the ability of the membrane around the erectile tissues to keep the blood until orgasm is reached can cause impotence.

Mental and emotional problems have been known to impede the process. Ongoing prescriptive medication can also lead to impotence.

It is good to know that in general, male impotence can be overcome with natural treatment and some of the simplest changes in your lifestyles. Drugs like Viagra can do the job but they are not lasting cures and their prescriptive potency is known to lead to unwanted health side effects like vomiting, stomach pains, nausea, headaches or even risk damaging internal organs with frequent regular use.

In addition, conditioning the mind and getting rid of thoughts that create emotional distraught even if repressed in the subconscious can cause male impotence. Here are some things you can do:

Exercise regularly:

Bring your circulation and heart beat busy enough to improve blood flowing through your body. A sedentary lifestyle working on your computer everyday can make things bad for your penis.
Get into the right nutrition with the right foods and diet supplements of vitamins and minerals to regulate the body.

Detoxify the body simply by taking in more water.

Life begins at 40. You are not too old for anything. There’s a lot of experience behind you, not so much from your career as from interpersonal relationships of the practical kind.

You have life lessons and philosophical knowledge not to suffer the same issues often associated with impulsive and wrongful decisions common when we are young. You still have the looks but now honed with the maturity that can command attention and even be sexy to many women looking for security in a relationship.

But all that can be ruined with a simple biological failure – male impotence, or failure to get an erection. It probably won’t be problematic if you had, by this time, chosen a life of celibacy.

Or if you already have kids and that marital infidelity is no longer occasioned by a raging erection just by looking at women. But if at this time, you have yet to marry, you may have a problem. You can sweep the woman of your dreams to the altar but if you can’t get it up on honeymoon night, be prepared to get a divorce the next day.

Do the Right Thing for Male Enhancement Today

It’s all a matter of doing something about your virility now, not later. The first sign that you are losing steam, get your act right. Consider the following:

Age 40 is the time to start trimming down your fat, losing weight and regaining as much vitality as you had when younger. At around this time, most people have reached the summit of their careers which often comes with a lot of stress. These factors can diminish not only your sexual interest but also lose your male potency.

Solution: Reject all activity that can cause stress. Exercise and engage in sports that can help in losing weight and improve your blood circulation. Take the right diet supplements of vitamins and minerals to help regulate your body’s production of enzymes and hormones to regain youthful vitality. A restored vitality is often paramount to restoring your virility.

At about this time, while you may have accumulated all the experiences that can make for better decisions and a more fulfilled life, it is also the time when all the bad habits you’ve had start to take its toll. Smoking, alcohol and junk food are destructive intakes that can make you look and feel older with diminished male potency


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