Wednesday 7 February 2018

Muscle Roller Sticks: Top 15 Tips That Get the Knots Out

Muscle Roller Sticks – Top Tricks You Need to Know

Rolling balls, foam rollers, PVC, tennis balls, and medicine balls remain a versatile choice for warming up, rehab and injury prevention. All have been used in the name of self myofascial release. However, consider giving this a try… the muscle roller stick. You’ll never look at a foam roller the same again.

15 Best Myofascial Releasing Reasons for using a Muscle Roller Stick

Professional athlete or weekend warrior, the muscle roller stick is great after running, weightlifting, Crossfit, MMA, WOD, Powerlifting and strength training. What ever your workout, you will get soreness and knots from your training.  Managing the soreness and those knots, lumps and aches can make the difference in getting everything out of your efforts and being able to train again the next day.

Myofascial release is a technique in which varying pressure is applied to muscles to help relax and heal muscles, improve muscle mobility and increase blood flow to the area. Pressure can be applied from another person like a massage therapist; however, they’re not always available and you’ll need something to be able to do it yourself.

Self-Myofascial release means you use anything to apply pressure to work the areas of soreness. Items like foam rollers, tennis or lacrosse balls, your thumbs or anything else can assist you in working out the knots. Without assistance, those knots and injured areas will create muscle imbalances over time. The body will try to heal itself in an attempt to compensate for the micro-injuries that occur with every training.   Add our daily habits of desk sitting, driving, lifting and TV watching and imbalances are exacerbated.

Injury prevention

Remove knots

Breakup tightness

Improve flexibility and mobility

Increase blood flow

Improves Lymphatic circulation

Stimulates the stretch reflex

Helps to relieve muscle soreness

Faster recovery


Target the Trigger Point

stimulate muscles

Store in different locations
Sticks are smaller and more portable for having at home, in your car, and at the office.

Choose your level
They come in various lengths and pressures. Some muscle roller sticks are fully adjustable and changeable

Use Daily
remains a go-to item for day-to-day light massage

Give your thumbs a break
with some force, so you don’t have to use as much elbow grease to knead out sore muscles

dig into tight problem spots on your legs, arms, and back.

Go Icy Hot
Toss it in the freezer or in warm water before rolling out tightness or pain

Don’t forget your Back
To hit knots in your back, wedge the stick between your body and a wall

On the Go
If you’re going out for a hike or bike ride, through it in your backpack for occasional quick sessions to relieve muscle aches and improve performance.

Work around the Knot
Muscle Sticks allow you to target your sore spots and work around them instead of directly on them. Working only the sore spots or injuries could lead to more damage to the area.

Improve Muscle Movement
Breaking down fascia and adhesions is the main reason to work the muscles. Adhesions lesson the movement of the muscle over time and can limit normal range of motion.


Get messages and see a physical therapist or myofascial release specialist regularly.  In between don’t lose ground by not being able to do it yourself. Get the benefits by using the muscle roller stick consistently.


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