Wednesday 1 August 2018

Make Endurance Training Work for You

Endurance training can help to make you happy, healthy, and certainly a more productive individual, even if you aren’t running marathons or doing triathlons. Try these helpful tips for improving your stamina safely and effectively.

Benefits of Endurance Training

1. It will boost your energy. If you feel exhausted and too tired to exercise, keep this in mind. Working out will lower your fatigue level, especially when you’re doing cardiovascular activities that enhance your aerobic capacity.

2. It will speed up your metabolism. Endurance training will speed up your metabolic rate even when you’re in a resting state. This means you can eat more calories without gaining weight, providing it is within reason.

3. It is a great way to make new friends. You’re sure to meet new and interesting people when you become a regular at your local pool, fitness club or running track. Get to know your neighbors and find out if they have similar work out interests. You may connect with a potential training partner.

4. You can create a peace of mind. There’s a scientific basis for the runner’s high you hear endurance athletes reference. Due to endorphins and other chemical reactions in the brain, long-distance rhythmic movements tend to produce euphoria.

Nutrition Tips while Endurance Training

1. Reading labels is important. Sports nutrition is a vastly big business, so you have a lot of energy product choices out there. Check the nutritional information on the label and avoid the bars and drinks that are full of sugar.

2. Counting calories can be helpful. Endurance exercise can consume in excess of 550 calories in an hour, but you don’t have to eat that much. Your body can’t digest and absorb food that quickly so it will satisfy the deficit by burning stored fat. You may want to take in some carbohydrates if your sessions last at least 2 hours, and add in some high-quality protein if you train for 3 hours or more.

3. Fuel up your body. Discontinue eating at least 3 hours before a race or other intense sports or activities. This will allow your blood sugar to stabilize. Complex carbohydrates are perfect for an ideal pre-race meal. It’s perfectly fine to feel a little hungry before a competition.

4. Be sure to replenish your resources. Once your race or workout has ended, you will need to recover and replace the nutrients and energy stores you’ve burned up. Try to eat a balanced meal with protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Safety Tips for Endurance Training

1. Staying hydrated is very important. Drinking water is essential before, during, and after exercise. One 16-20 ounce bottle an hour is a good rule of thumb during tough training.

2. Practice and train in moderation. Develop a workout plan with a gradual and balanced approach. Slowly increase your times and distances slowly. Engage in a variety of activities, including strength training and stretching. Take days off to rest as well.

3. Cooler is better. Athletes experience heat stroke frequently when training outside in weather that is hot. Wear protective gear and find an indoor track if it’s too hot outside.

4. See your physician regularly. Talk to your physician if you have any chronic aches, pains or heart palpitations. Seek help immediately if you experience chest pain or suddenly feel short of breath.

Other Tips for Endurance Training

1. Using health supplements. While it’s good to rely on whole foods for most of your diet, supplement with vitamins and protein may also help when you’re placing extra demands on your body. Some studies support the benefits of taking a quality whey protein, certain vitamins, and even caffeine in moderate amounts.

2. Warm up and cool down. Gentler movements before and after training may be especially important for endurance athletes. Cooldowns can reduce the risk of losing consciousness caused by stopping abruptly.

3. Listen to your body. Your individual condition and goals determine the regimen that will work best for you. Experiment until you find a winning formula that keeps you safe and fit.

For a longer, healthier, and more active life, try endurance training. Whether you’re gearing up for a Spartan run, triathlon or just running on a treadmill, endurance exercises strengthen your body and mind.


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