Saturday 30 March 2019

Is supplement therapy necessary for your health and wellbeing?

Nearly more than half the population in America takes dietary supplements occasionally or routinely. However, there is an ongoing debate on whether these are absolutely needed or not. Studies reveal that a nutritious and well-balanced routine diet is sufficient to provide us the necessary vitamins and minerals.

But the problem arises when our diet is not a balanced one. And this is especially true for people with certain medical conditions. Such people will have a deficiency of one or more nutrients that can be dealt with effectively only with supplements. Here are some considerations.

Conditions that may require supplements

Pregnancy: In the case of pregnancy, women may have higher needs where special supplements such as Folic acid are taken. Folic acid helps in fetal development and prevents neurologic conditions like spina bifida from occurring. A prenatal vitamin with calcium and iron that has folic acid added to it is a good supplement for pregnant women. This helps them meet the needs of the growing fetus.

Older adults: Older age people do not absorb vitamin B12 as effectively as their younger counterparts. For instance, people who are under acid reduction inducing medication, there is a strong probability of the person to have B1 and iron deficiency and also a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. Such people will need the benefits that supplements provide. A multivitamin tablet of high quality is necessary for such persons.

Medical conditions: Several medical conditions make people susceptible to deficiency of vitamins. For instance, in post weight loss surgical patients and those with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, there is a higher need for several vitamins and minerals including Vitamin A, B, D, E and K, magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium and iron. Osteoarthritic people can find vitamin D supplement very useful.

There are several other conditions that are best treated using supplements like inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

Which supplements help?

Since not all types of vitamin supplements available in the market are of good quality, you have to choose the right supplements. For starters go for the supplements that are properly tested by reputed labs such as Consumer Lab, NSF International or US Pharmacopeia. Proper testing ensures the supplement has the right ingredient without any contaminating or toxic organisms.  Gummy vitamins, for instance, may not be the highest quality choice and full of sugar and chemicals but some consider them to be convenient.

Knowing about the chemical constitution of the supplement will help in choosing the right supplement. You can consult your health care provider on the type of supplements you need, the appropriate dose and any interactions with other medications you are taking to avoid any ill effects.

In case of minerals and vitamin supplements, the daily value percent of every nutrient should be checked along with upper limit. This is because sometimes excessive intake of supplements can cause harm.

Final takeaway

It is good for your health and wellbeing to take supplements along with your healthy and nutritious diet. By choosing the suitable supplement that is of good quality, you can boost your health and keep away the illnesses triggered by lack of proper vitamins and minerals.


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