Monday 8 April 2019

4 supplements that can enhance your fitness level

There is a wide range of nutritional supplements available on the market. This makes it quite difficult to choose the ones made for you and your fitness goals. We can help you out in your endeavor of choosing the best supplements in order to improve your fitness. However, before you buy any of these nutritional supplements, I’d recommend you to consult your doctor and then take them so that they don’t interrupt with any illness you might have.

  1. Fish Oil

Fish oil has eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Both these are Omega-3 fatty acids, which help in decreasing the risk of heart disease. Moreover, fish oil supplements help in neuromuscular improvement for endurance athletes.

When it comes to female athletes, studies state that supplements that contain DHA result in many motor benefits. This includes added advantages for sportspersons since they require reaction time effectiveness and decision making skills.

  1. Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)

BCAAs have leucine, valine, and isoleucine, all of which play a significant role in the synthesis of protein and glucose uptake in our cells. They are quite important when it comes to post-exercise. These amino acids also help in building and recovering muscles, along with regulating the immune system for sports events. You can take BCAA supplements or eat lean protein. Additionally, studies show that BCAA supplements can decrease muscle damage that comes from endurance exercise.

  1. Vitamin D

Deficiency of Vitamin D is found in a lot of people, including athletes, around the world. You can get vitamin D through natural sunlight or dairy products. It’s necessary that you include a vitamin D source in your everyday diet so as to maintain optimal fitness and health. Studies show that vitamin D enhances athletic performance in athletes who have a deficiency of vitamin D.

In addition, Vitamin D can protect athletes from various chronic and acute medical ailments. In fact, trainers and athletes in the early 1900s believed that UVB radiation helped in improving athletic performance. Thus, vitamin D plays a significant role in skeletal muscle with a great impact on injury and performance of young and healthy athletes.

  1. Caffeine

Caffeine is widely known for its fat burning abilities. Therefore, it’s used in a wide array of performance enhancers, fat burning supplements, and weight loss products. Black coffee is a natural stimulant. It boosts your body’s metabolism as well as provides your body with additional antioxidants. However, caffeine is not good when you take it in large quantities.

Studies show that caffeine can improve your sports performance. Nevertheless, it’s specific to the athlete’s condition, intensity, exercise mode, and duration. Furthermore, caffeine is a brain stimulant and blocks receptors, which results in a rush of energy in your body, an improved mental performance, and slow mental decline that is related to age.

So, these are the four best supplements that are supported by scientific evidence for enhancing fitness. You can use these in order to get fit. But, again I’d say first consult your doctor and ask their advice before taking any of these supplementations.


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