Monday 15 April 2019

Top 4 Best Weight Loss Challenges for You

Everyone knows how challenging it is to lose weight and modify lifelong habits. That’s why we have come up with unbelievable exercise challenges. Each of these exercises will help you attain your fitness goal. So, start today because there will never be a perfect time to begin!

  1. Run Challenge

If you are not a runner, it is time to become one. It is the perfect challenge to burn fat, tone up your body, and change the fitness regimen outside gyms. In this program, you just have to run for 15 minutes or one mile straight for 15 days.

This challenge comprises of cross-training workouts and running. It will burn fat as well as strengthen your muscles and heart. So, go for this challenge to achieve your fitness goal.

  1. Fit Body Challenge

It is another 15-day challenge to keep your body fit. This challenge helps in effective and fast fat loss. For performing this challenge, you will need workout equipment like a stability ball and dumbbells. So, all you need to do is perform workouts for about 20 minutes.

This fit body challenge is perfect for beginners and those who like to increase the intensity of their workout. It works on the carb-cycling meal plan, which is really effective to reach your goal.

  1. Sculpt Challenge

This challenge is perfect for passionate gym-goers. It allows them to maintain or tone up their body weight. Here, you need to follow the challenge for about 6 weeks while performing effective workouts. So, people who like to have a better body shape can go for this challenge.

In this program, you need to incorporate machines into daily exercise routines. You can even go with cables. They can help you attain the best result ever. Additionally, weight training will increase your lean muscle weight, tighten up trouble areas, and sculpt your body.

  1. Booty Challenge

This challenge is for people who like to build booty of their dreams. Here, you need to follow glute-focused training. Perform exercises that target the glute muscles and help you to achieve a peach-shaped booty.

Your workouts need to be intense and quick, which will burn fat and also shape your muscles. You can even make use of booty bands to maximize workouts and take BCAAs and protein for quick recovery. So, go for it!

No matter which challenge you go for, always stretch your body after and before workouts. Do not forget to drink adequate water and take BCAAs for a speedy recovery. However, do not overtrain your body. As you know, exercise boosts water needs. So, it is best to go for effective supplements to prevent headaches, help water absorption, avoid nausea, and yield best results.

Lastly, try out these amazing challenges and go beyond your fitness goal. Step out of your comfort zone, break off from your old habits, and be on your way towards a good change. So, wait no more and begin your journey to weight loss today!


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